This repo is C# implementation of mp3cat.
It's a simple command line utility for merging MP3 files without re-encoding.
If you want to use it in the command line, you can download pre-compiled binary here mp3cat.
> mp3cat one.mp3 two.mp3 output.mp3
If you want to use it in C#, please follow the steps below.
PM> Install-Package MP3catSharp
MP3cat.merge(outpath, inpaths, tagpath, force, quiet);
outpath: str, required
Output filepath. -
inpaths: str[], required
List of files to merge. -
tagpath: str, optional, default: ""
Copy the ID3v2 tag from the n-th input file. -
force: bool, optional, default: false
Overwrite an existing output file. -
quiet: bool, optional, default: false
Quiet mode. only output error messages.
Then if you want to use C# to re-compile the mp3cat.go, you can refer here.