Cron Cloudflare

Docker image that allows you to update your own domain entry at cloudflare with you remote ip, like a ddns but using cloudflare-api. Each time the container runs it verifies if the domain has changed, and only then updates with the remote ip available.

NOTE: This container only works with ipv4, ipv6 and domains that are hosted at cloudflare

Getting Started

Config file example:

auth: "auth_token"
  - name: ""
    type_ip: A
    zone_id: zone_id
  - name: ""
    type_ip: AAAA
    zone_id: zone_id

Running container with docker-compose:

version: '3'

    image: fzamperin/cron-cloudflare:latest
    network_mode: bridge # For the use of ipv6 it's important to create an ipv6 enabled network on docker, otherwise will not work
      - CRON_PATTERN=0 */5 * ? * * # Cron pattern to run the job
      - /home/user/config/config.yaml:/config/config.yaml # Config file with the token and domains to update
    restart: unless-stopped


In order to run this container you'll need docker installed.

Environment Variables

  • CRON_PATTERN - The cron pattern to run the job, scheduling the process


  • /home/user/config.yaml - File location for the configuration file

Built With

  • Rust 1.66


  • Fernando Penna - Initial work