-- import "github.com/fzerorubigd/eventual"
Package eventual is a simple event dispatcher for golang base on channels. The goal is to pass data around, without depending to any package except for this one.
There is some definition :
- Mandatory means publish is not finished unless all subscribers receive the message, in this case, the receiver must always read the channel. TODO : a way to unsub
- Exclusive means there is only and only one receiver for a topic is available
package main
import "github.com/fzerorubigd/eventual"
func main() {
e := &eventual.Eventual{}
// Create a no mandatory, no exclusive topic
t ,_ := e.Register("the.topic.name", false, false)
c1 := t.Sub()
// In any other part of code, even in another package you can create
// an exactly same topic with exactly same parameter
t ,_ := e.Register("the.topic.name", false, false)
t.Pub(SomeIEventStructure{}) // No there is a data in c1, but if there is no reader the data is lost
Support for buffer size (aka pre fetch)
Support for reply back
type Event interface {
// GetTopic return the current topic
GetTopic() string
// IsMandatory return if this event is mandatory or not , mandatory means
IsMandatory() bool
// IsExclusive return if this event is exclusive and there is only one subscriber
// is allowed
IsExclusive() bool
Event is the actual event, must register to get one of this.
type Eventual interface {
Register(topic string, mandatory, exclusive bool) (Event, error)
Eventual is an event bus
func New() Eventual
New return an eventual structure
type IEvent interface {
// Data is the event data that publisherdecide the type of it
Data() interface{}
IEvent is an interface to handle one instance of an event in system. each IEvent must contain the topic and data that passed to this event
type Publisher interface {
// Pub is for publish an event. it's panic prof
Publisher is an interface for publishing event in a system
type Subscriber interface {
// Sub is for getting an channel to read the events from it.
// if the event is exclusive, and there is a subscriber, then
// it panic.
Sub() <-chan IEvent
Subscriber is an interface to handle subscribers