rslidar_sdk 为速腾聚创在Ubuntu环境下的雷达驱动软件包,包括了雷达驱动内核, ROS拓展功能,ROS2拓展功能,Protobuf-UDP通信拓展功能。对于没有二次开发需求的用户,或是想直接使用ROS或ROS2进行二次开发的用户,可直接使用本软件包, 配合ROS或ROS2自带的RVIZ可视化工具即可查看点云。 对于有二次开发需求,想将雷达驱动集成到自己工程内的客户, 请参考雷达驱动内核的相关文档,直接使用内核rs_driver进行二次开发。
由于rslidar_sdk项目中包含子模块驱动内核rs_driver, 因此在执行git clone 后还需要执行相关指令初始化并更新子模块。
git clone
cd rslidar_sdk
git submodule init
git submodule update
由于直接下载的压缩包内不包含git信息,因此需要手动下载驱动内核rs_driver, 然后将其解压在 rslidar_sdk/src路径下。 将src中原有的rs_driver文件夹删除,再将刚刚解压好的rs_driver-xxxx文件夹改名为rs_driver即可。
Ubuntu 16.04 - 安装ROS kinetic desktop-full
Ubuntu 18.04 - 安装ROS melodic desktop-full
安装方式: 参考
如果安装了ROS kinetic desktop-full版或ROS melodic desktop-full版,那么兼容版本其他依赖库也应该同时被安装了,所以不需要重新安装它们以避免多个版本冲突引起的问题, 因此,强烈建议安装desktop-full版,这将节省大量的时间来逐个安装和配置库。
Ubuntu 16.04 - 不支持
Ubuntu 18.04 - 安装ROS2 Eloquent desktop
注意! 请避免在同一台电脑上同时安装ROS和ROS2, 这可能会产生冲突! 同时还需要手动安装Yaml库。
版本号: >= v0.5.2
若已安装ROS desktop-full, 可跳过。
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y libyaml-cpp-dev
版本号: >=v1.7.4
sudo apt-get install -y libpcap-dev
版本号: >=v2.6.1
sudo apt-get install -y libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler
(1) 按照如下指令即可编译运行程序。 直接编译也可以使用ROS相关功能(不包括ROS2),但需要在程序启动前手动启动roscore,启动后手动打开rviz才能看到可视化点云结果。
cd rslidar_sdk
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. && make -j4
(1) 打开工程内的CMakeLists.txt文件,将文件顶部的set(COMPILE_METHOD ORIGINAL)改为set(COMPILE_METHOD CATKIN)。
(2) 将rslidar_sdk工程目录下的package_ros1.xml文件重命名为package.xml。
(3) 新建一个文件夹作为工作空间,然后再新建一个名为src的文件夹, 将rslidar_sdk工程放入src文件夹内。
(4) 返回工作空间目录,执行以下命令即可编译&运行(若使用.zsh,将第二句指令替换为 source devel/setup.zsh)。
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch rslidar_sdk start.launch
(1) 打开工程内的CMakeLists.txt文件,将文件顶部的set(COMPILE_METHOD ORIGINAL)改为set(COMPILE_METHOD COLCON)。
(2) 将rslidar_sdk工程目录下的package_ros2.xml文件重命名为package.xml。
(3) 新建一个文件夹作为工作空间,然后再新建一个名为src的文件夹, 将rslidar_sdk工程放入src文件夹内。
(4) 通过链接下载ROS2环境下的雷达Packet消息定义, 将rslidar_msg工程也放在刚刚新建的src文件夹内,与rslidar_sdk并列。
(5) 返回工作空间目录,执行以下命令即可编译&运行(若使用.zsh,将第二句指令替换为 source install/setup.zsh)。
colcon build
source install/setup.bash
ros2 launch rslidar_sdk
├── config #存放所有的参数文件
├── doc #存放所有的文档
│ ├── howto #存放使用文档
│ └── intro #存放介绍文档
├── launch #存放ROS与ROS2的启动脚本
├── node #存放节点代码(main函数)
├── rviz #存放ROS与ROS2的rviz配置文件
└── src #存放所有源代码
├── adapter #存放外围适配器的代码
├── manager #存放适配器管理器的代码
├── msg #存放消息定义
├── rs_driver #驱动内核
└── utility #存放工具类代码
参数介绍非常重要,请仔细阅读。 本软件包的所有功能都将通过配置参数文件来实现。
以下仅为一些常用功能的快速使用指南, 实际使用时并不仅限于以下几种工作模式, 可通过配置参数改变不同的工作模式。
rslidar_sdk is the lidar driver software development kit under Ubuntu operating system, which contains the lidar driver core, ROS support, ROS2 support and Protobuf-UDP communication functions. For user who want to get point cloud through ROS or ROS2, this software development kit can be used directly. For user who want to do advanced development or integrate the lidar driver into their own projects, please refer to the lidar driver core rs_driver.
Since rslidar_sdk project include the submodule --- rs_driver, user need to excute the following commands after git clone.
git clone
cd rslidar_sdk
git submodule init
git submodule update
Since the zip file does not include submodule information, user need to download the driver core rs_driver. Then unzip the rs_driver under the path /rslidar_sdk/src. Delete the original empty rs_driver folder, and rename the folder you just unzip rs_driver-XXXX to rs_driver.
If use rslidar_sdk in ROS environment, ROS related libraries need to be installed.
Ubuntu 16.04 - Install ROS kinetic desktop-full
Ubuntu 18.04 - install ROS melodic desktop-full
Installation: please refer to
If you install ROS kinetic desktop-full or ROS melodic desktop-full,then the correspond PCL and Boost will be installed at the same time. It will bring you a lot of convenience since you don't need to handle the version confliction. Thus, its highly recommanded to install ROS desktop-full.
If use rslidar_sdk in ROS2 environment, ROS2 related libraries need to be installed.
Ubuntu 16.04 - Not support
Ubuntu 18.04 - Install ROS2 eloquent desktop
Installation: please refer to
Note! Please avoid to install ROS and ROS2 in one computer at the same time! This may cause confliction! Also you may need to install Yaml manually.
version: >= v0.5.2
If installed ROS desktop-full, this part can be ignored.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y libyaml-cpp-dev
version: >=v1.7.4
sudo apt-get install -y libpcap-dev
Installation :
sudo apt-get install -y libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler
We offer three ways to compile and run the driver.
(1) Excute the commands below. In this way, user can also use ROS functions(Not include ROS2), but need to start roscore manually before running the driver and need to start rviz manually to watch the point cloud.
cd rslidar_sdk
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. && make -j4
(1) Open the CMakeLists.txt in the project,modify the line on top of the file set(COMPILE_METHOD ORIGINAL) to set(COMPILE_METHOD CATKIN).
(2) Rename the file package_ros1.xml in the rslidar_sdk to package.xml
(3) Create a new folder as the workspace, and create a src folder in the workspace. Then put the rslidar_sdk project in the src folder.
(4) Return back to the workspace, excute the following command to compile and run. (if use .zsh, replace the 2nd command with source devel/setup.zsh).
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch rslidar_sdk start.launch
(1) Open the CMakeLists.txt in the project,modify the line on top of the file set(COMPILE_METHOD ORIGINAL) to set(COMPILE_METHOD COLCON).
(2) Rename the file package_ros2.xml in the rslidar_sdk to package.xml
(3) Create a new folder as the workspace, and create a src folder in the workspace. Then put the rslidar_sdk project in the src folder.
(4) Download the packet definition project in ROS2 through link, then put the project rslidar_msg in the src folder you just created.
(5) Return back to the workspace, excute the following command to compile and run. (if use .zsh, replace the 2nd command with source install/setup.zsh).
colcon build
source install/setup.bash
ros2 launch rslidar_sdk
├── config #Store all the config files
├── doc #Store all the documents
│ ├── howto #Store the guide documents
│ └── intro #Store the introduction documents
├── launch #Store the launch files for ROS & ROS2
├── node #Store the node code(main function)
├── rviz #Store the rviz config file for ROS & ROS2
└── src #Store all the source codes
├── adapter #Store the code of adapters
├── manager #Store the code of adapter manager
├── msg #Store the message definition
├── rs_driver #The lidar driver core
└── utility #Store the tool codes
This part is very important so please read carefully. All the functions of this software development kit will be reach by modifying parameters.
The following documents are some quick guides for using some of the most common features of the rslidar_sdk. The rslidar_sdk are not limited to the following modes of operation and user can use rslidar_sdk in their own way by modifying parameters.
Online connect lidar and send point cloud through ROS
Record rosbag & Offline decode rosbag