Yet another Graphics Engine

Primary LanguageC++

YaGE (Yet Another Graphics Engine)



YaGE is a cross-platform graphics library based on Cairo / GTK+.


Windows Linux OS X
Build status Build Status Build Status




Microsoft Windows (for Visual Studio only)

Download latest installer here and install.

Ubuntu and its derivatives

sudo apt-get install software-properties-common  # or python-software-properties for Ubuntu 12.04
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:qxd/yage
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install yage

Fedora, RHEL 7 and its derivatives

Follow instructions here

Arch Linux

yaourt -S yage

or you can install yage from AUR manually.

Mac OS X via Homebrew

brew tap yet-another-graphics-engine/yage
brew install --HEAD yage


Microsoft Windows

Build with Microsoft Visual Studio

Because variadic macros are used in the project, make sure that you have installed install Visual Studio 2005 or later. (Express version of Visual C++ is also OK.)

Install CMake (Win32 Installer) and GTK+ 3 (All-in-one bundles), add the bin directory of CMake and GTK+ 3 into PATH environment variable.

After installation, launch VS201? x86 Native Tools Command Prompt, switch to the root directory of YaGE, then run following command:

X:\> cd YaGE
X:\YaGE> md build
X:\YaGE> cd build
X:\YaGE\build> cmake ..

The command above will generate Visual Studio Solution inside build folder.

Finally, open YaGE.sln solution in build folder to build the library.

Library will be built in build\lib directory called yage.lib, copy it to VC\lib directory in VS installation folder to use it. After that, copy everything in include directory to include directory in VS installation folder to use headers.

Build with MinGW / MSYS

Similarly, install CMake and GTK+ 3 and add them into PATH.

Open MSYS Shell, switch to the project root directory, execute the following command:

/ $ cd YaGE
/YaGE $ mkdir build
/YaGE $ cd build
/YaGE/build $ cmake .. -G "MSYS Makefiles"
/YaGE/build $ make

Library will be built in build/lib directory called libyage.a, copy it to lib directory in MinGW installation folder to use it. After that, copy everything in include directory to include directory in MinGW installation folder to use headers.

Build with Cygwin

Open Cygwin installer and install following packages:

git make gcc-g++ cmake libgtk3-devel pkg-config libgstreamer0.10-devel

Then follow UNIX build instructions

UNIX and UNIX-like Systems

Install Dependencies

Debian / Ubuntu and derivatives

sudo apt-get install -y build-essential git libgtk-3-dev cmake pkg-config libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-dev

RHEL / CentOS 7 and derivatives, Fedora 21 and earlier

sudo yum -y install git cmake pkgconfig gcc-c++ gtk3-devel gstreamer-devel

Fedora 22

sudo dnf -y install git cmake pkgconfig gcc-c++ gtk3-devel gstreamer-devel

Arch Linux

sudo pacman -S base-devel git gtk3 cmake pkg-config gstreamer0.10

FreeBSD 10

sudo pkg install git cmake pkgconf gtk3 gstreamer

Mac OS X via Homebrew

brew install git cmake gtk+3 cairo pkg-config

Mac OS X via MacPorts

sudo port install git cmake gtk3 cairo pkgconfig


$ git clone https://github.com/yet-another-graphics-engine/YaGE.git
$ cd YaGE
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make


$ sudo make install