
Haskell "Learn you a haskell" - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAYqRAte9oRIChcPR_DD4uc8mCR6d3RiJ

Primary LanguageHaskell


To show inequality use:

x /= y 

In order to leave the GHCi use:

:quit or :q

To load in your file use:

:load filename or :l filename
In order to run your program do:
(name of your function) optional parameters
example: functionThatCalculatesSqrtOfANumber 9 => Output would be 3

If - statement:

If u have an if statement there has to be an else statement. Otherwise it would be undefined and throw an error.

Variable declaration:

keyword: let
let function with parameters => let double x = 2 * x
let x = 3

keyword: head and tail / index position

    let numbers  = [1,2,3,4]
    head numbers = gives the first element of the list. = 1
    tail numbers = gives rest of the list except of first element as an array.
                 = [2,3,4]
    variablename !!number gives us a element at a certain position.
    example: let numbers = [1,2,3] => numbers !! 2 gives us 3

":" operator constructs a new list node

    5 : [] gives us [5]
    1 : 2 : [] gives us [1,2]
    1 : [4] gives us [1,4]        

more default functions from haskell library:

let numbers = [1,2,3,4,5]
elem x numbers checks if this particular element exists in the list. It gives True or False.

++ operator concatenates lists:
[1,2,3] ++ [4,5] = [1,2,3,4,5]

markdown - cheatsheet:
