
An example of running zookeeper and kafka using docker, using ssl and sasl

Primary LanguageShell

Docker with zookeeper and kafka

An example of running kafka (scalable to many kafkas) with zookeeper using docker, using enforced ssl and sasl.

A note on ssl

do run ./createssl.sh to create new ssl certificates. note that the consumer and the server use the same keystore since it's been signed by a custom CA.

To run the broker (zookeeper-kafka server):

  1. docker-compose up

To run the consumer

  1. check the file src/test/kotlin/kafka/kafkaTests.kt
  2. you can run it from intelliJ (make sure the broker is running)

Docker note:

note the tests have the bootstrap servers as localhost but the docker container name is kafka01, they are connected via the port being exposed to the host. if creating a container using a jar file, make sure to use the container name.

This can be improved, this is the first working version I got using SASL_SSL and scalabla kafka brokers. feel free to work on this as well (actually that'd be great.)