
Assets(Image for now) As A Service written in Scala using Akka Stream & Http and stores in Cassandra

Primary LanguageScalaMIT LicenseMIT


Assets(Images only, for now) as a Service written in Scala using Akka Stream & Http and stores in Cassandra.

It only handles images with various resize/crop features and cache them in the disk for massive GET.

AaaS makes full use of the Akka Http and Akka Stream which is well known as 'Reactive Streams'. It should be a high performance image server.


You need:

If you are a mac user and use brew, install them are as simple as:

brew install cassandra
brew install sbt

Quick Start

  • Create keyspace in Cassandra

Connect to Cassandra console:

$ cqlsh

Connected to Test Cluster at
[cqlsh 5.0.1 | Cassandra 3.0.2 | CQL spec 3.3.1 | Native protocol v4]
Use HELP for help.

Create the keyspace:

CREATE KEYSPACE aaas WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1 };
  • Clone this project
git clone git@github.com:arkxu/aaas.git
  • Compile the project
cd aaas
sbt clean assembly
  • Start the server
java -cp target/scala*/aaas-assembly-*.jar com.arkxu.aaas.Main


By default the server will load the config file from the resource.

Feel free to copy and modify it, add yours to the classpath. The server can load customized configuration.


Copy the application.conf to a new conf folder and rename to aaas.conf, run the server with that

mkdir conf
cp src/main/resources/application.conf conf/aaas.conf
java -cp conf:`ls target/scala*/aaas-assembly*.jar | tr ' ' ':'` -Dconfig.resource=./aaas.conf com.arkxu.aaas.Main

Upload Image

The endpoint to upload image: http://localhost:8090/foo/bar

Feel free to use any tools. e.g. Postman to send image to the server.

(To make full use of the Akka Streams, the client side should use the same mechanism. I will open source the test client later.)

  • Use Basic Authentication, default user/password: demo:demo



  • Choose file(s) to upload

Let's upload some images to /foo/bar


  • Files can be multiple

In the response you will get the uploaded file UUID.

You may have already noticed two files were created at the same time. That is right! It is the uploadParallelism setting in the configuration.


Get Image from Different Sizes

Open your browser and access the image using:


You will get the image back in default sizes(Remember the default width/height in configuration?).

You also can get the resized image in two modes: resize or crop

Get Resized Image


Get Cropped Image


List Images under a path

Send GET request to the path you uploaded to, it will return all the image UUIDs in that folder:


Delete Image(s)

Send DELETE request (with authentication of course) to a single image, or to its parent folder:

This will delete all the images under /foo/bar

DELETE http://localhost:8090/foo/bar/

This deletes only one image with that specified UUID:

DELETE http://localhost:8090/{UUID}.jpg


Please request or contribute back with any features/codes!


MIT, feel free to copy and modify