
Render plain text or html email body from Go template and send it. It supports TLS and written in Go.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Render plain text or html email body from Go template and send it. It supports TLS and written in Go.

Here is an example:

package main

import (


func main() {
  // init the mailer and tell the smtp server information
  mailer := &gomail.Mailer{Server: "smtp.gmail.com", Port: 587, UserName: "your gmail", Password: "your pwd"}

  // set the default sender. this is optional(you can set it in the message itself)
  mailer.Sender = &gomail.Sender{From: "foo@bar.com"}

  // configure the template folder, the file with extension .txt will be rendered as plain text email body
  // and the file with extension .html will be rendered as html email body
  err := gomail.TemplateFolder("templates")
  if err != nil {

  // arguments used for template rendering
  var args = make(map[string]interface{})
  args["world"] = "世界"
  args["user"] = struct {
    Name string
    Link string

  // init the message, set the CC or BCC, Subject or body
  message := &gomail.Message{To: []string{"anyone@foo.com"}, Subject: "from template 6", Cc: []string{"bar@foo.com"}}

  // set the template file for this message
  err = message.RenderTemplate("helloWorld", args)
  if err != nil {

  // send the message out
  err = mailer.SendMessage(message)
  if err != nil {

In order to make it work, you need to create a folder templates and put the template file in there.

TemplateFolder() is not mandatory if the email body is passed in, instead of rendered. Please check out the test cases for more information.