
🌱 A simple API to catalog my garden plants using Node.JS & GraphQL

Primary LanguageJavaScript


PlantaDex API

This project is an API for a kind of "Pokedex" for plants. The user can register their plants and make their own personal catalog.


  • [:heavy_check_mark:] Create User
  • [:heavy_check_mark:] Add Plant
  • [:heavy_check_mark:] List Plants
  • [:heavy_check_mark:] Edit Plant
  • [:heavy_check_mark:] Delete Plant
  • [:heavy_check_mark:] JWT
  • [:heavy_check_mark:] Validate User
  • [:heavy_check_mark:] Database
  • [:heavy_check_mark:] Change Password
  • [:x:] Recover Password
  • [:x:] UUID

To Contribute

  • Fork this repository
  • Clone this repository
  • Create a new branch from dev (feature/yourBranchName or fix/yourBranchName)
  • Make your changes and commit
  • Push your changes to GitHub
  • Open a pull request


For the project to run in its environment, it is necessary to install all dependencies, using one of these commands:

npm install




Run the following command to run startup migrations:

npx knex migrate:latest