Python implementation of the algorithm for probabilistic matrix factorization described in Content-based recommendations with poisson factorization (Gopalan, P.K., Charlin, L. and Blei, D., 2014).
This is a statistical model aimed at recommender systems with implicit data consisting of counts of user-item interactions (e.g. clicks by each user on different products) plus bag-of-words representations of the items. The model is fit using mean-field variational inference. Can also fit the model to side information on the users consisting of counts on different attributes (same format as the bag-of-words for items).
As it takes side information about items, it has the advantage of being able to recommend items without any ratings/clicks/plays/etc. If extending it with user side information, can also make cold-start recommendations, albeit speed is not great for that.
Supports parallelization, different stopping criteria for the optimziation procedure, and adding users/items without refitting the model entirely. The bottleneck computations are written in fast Cython code.
For a similar package for explicit feedback data see also cmfrec.
For Poisson factorization without side information see hpfrec and poismf.
The model consists in producing non-negative low-rank matrix factorizations of counts data (such as number of times each user played each song in some internet service) of user-item interactions and item-word counts, produced by a generative model specified as follows:
Item model:
B_vk ~ Gamma(a, b)
T_ik ~ Gamma(c, d)
W_iv ~ Poisson(T * B')
Interactions model:
N_uk ~ Gamma(e, f)
E_ik ~ Gamma(g, h)
R_ui ~ Poisson(N * (T + E)')
(Where W
is the bag-of-words representation of the items, R
is the user-item interactions matrix, u
is the number of users, i
is the number of items, v
is the number of words, and k
is the number of latent factors or topics)
For more details see the references section at the bottom.
When adding user information, the model becomes as follows:
Item model:
B_vk ~ Gamma(a, b)
T_ik ~ Gamma(c, d)
W_iv ~ Poisson(T * B')
User model:
K_ak ~ Gamma(e, f)
O_uk ~ Gamma(l, m)
Q_ua ~ Poisson(O * K')
Interactions model:
N_uk ~ Gamma(i, j)
E_ik ~ Gamma(g, h)
R_ui ~ Poisson((O + N) * (T + E)')
A huge drawback of this model compared to LDA is that, as the matrices are non-negative, items with more words will have larger values in their factors/topics, which will result in them having higher scores regardless of their popularity. This effect can be somewhat decreased by using only a limited number of words to represent each item (scaling upwards the ones that don't have enough words), by standardizing the bag-of-words to have all rows summing up to a certain number (this is hard to do when the counts are supposed to be integers, but the package can still work mostly fine with decimals that are at least >= 0.9, and has the option to standardize the inputs), or to a lesser extent by standardizing the resulting Theta shape matrix to have its rows sum to 1 (also supported in the package options).
Package is available on PyPI, can be installed with
pip install ctpfrec
As it contains Cython code, it requires a C compiler. In Windows, this usually means it requires a Visual Studio Build Tools installation (with MSVC140 component for conda
) (or MinGW + GCC), and if using Anaconda, might also require configuring it to use said Visual Studio instead of MinGW, otherwise the installation from pip
might fail. For more details see this guide:
Cython Extensions On Windows
On Python 2.7 on Windows, it might additionally require installing extra Visual Basic modules (untested).
On Linux, the pip
install should work out-of-the-box, as long as the system has gcc
Note for macOS users: on macOS, the Python version of this package will compile without multi-threading capabilities. This is due to default apple's redistribution of clang not providing OpenMP modules, and aliasing it to gcc which causes confusions in build scripts. If you have a non-apple version of clang with the OpenMP modules, or if you have gcc installed, you can compile this package with multi-threading enabled by setting up an environment variable ENABLE_OMP=1
export ENABLE_OMP=1
pip install ctpfrec
(Alternatively, can also pass argument enable-omp
to the file: python install enable-omp
import numpy as np, pandas as pd
from ctpfrec import CTPF
## Generating a fake dataset
nusers = 10**2
nitems = 10**2
nwords = 5 * 10**2
nobs = 10**4
nobs_bag_of_words = 10**4
counts_df = pd.DataFrame({
'UserId' : np.random.randint(nusers, size=nobs),
'ItemId' : np.random.randint(nitems, size=nobs),
'Count' : (np.random.gamma(1, 1, size=nobs) + 1).astype('int32')
counts_df = counts_df.loc[~counts_df[['UserId', 'ItemId']].duplicated()].reset_index(drop=True)
words_df = pd.DataFrame({
'ItemId' : np.random.randint(nitems, size=nobs_bag_of_words),
'WordId' : np.random.randint(nwords, size=nobs_bag_of_words),
'Count' : (np.random.gamma(1, 1, size=nobs_bag_of_words) + 1).astype('int32')
words_df = words_df.loc[~words_df[['ItemId', 'WordId']].duplicated()].reset_index(drop=True)
## Fitting the model
## (Can also pass the inputs as COO matrices)
recommender = CTPF(k = 15, reindex=True), words_df=words_df)
## Making predictions
recommender.topN(user=10, n=10, exclude_seen=True)
recommender.topN(user=10, n=10, exclude_seen=False, items_pool=np.array([1,2,3,4]))
recommender.predict(user=10, item=11)
recommender.predict(user=[10,10,10], item=[1,2,3])
recommender.predict(user=[10,11,12], item=[4,5,6])
## Evaluating Poisson log-likelihood
recommender.eval_llk(counts_df, full_llk=True)
## Adding new items without refitting
nitems_new = 10
nobs_bow_new = 2 * 10**3
words_df_new = pd.DataFrame({
'ItemId' : np.random.uniform(low=nitems, high=nitems+nitems_new, size=nobs_bow_new),
'WordId' : np.random.randint(nwords, size=nobs_bow_new),
'Count' : np.random.gamma(1, 1, size=nobs_bow_new).astype('int32')
words_df_new = words_df_new.loc[words_df_new.Count > 0]
If passing reindex=True
, all user and item IDs that you pass to .fit
will be reindexed internally (they need to be hashable types like str
, int
or tuple
), and you can use these same IDs to make predictions later. The IDs returned by topN
are these same IDs passed to .fit
For a more detailed example, see the IPython notebook recommending products with RetailRocket's event logs illustrating its usage with the RetailRocket dataset consisting of activity logs (view, add-to-basket, purchase) and item descriptions.
This package contains only functionality related to fitting this model. For general evaluation metrics for recommendations on implicit data see other packages such as lightFM.
Documentation is available at readthedocs:
It is also internally documented through docstrings (e.g. you can try help(ctpfrec.CTPF))
, help(
, etc.
For faster fitting and predictions, use SciPy and NumPy libraries compiled against MKL or OpenBLAS. These come by default with MKL in Anaconda installations.
The constructor for CTPF allows some parameters to make it run faster (if you know what you're doing): these are allow_inconsistent_math=True
, full_llk=False
, stop_crit='diff-norm'
, reindex=False
, verbose=False
. See the documentation for more details.
Don't use pickle
to save an CTPF
object, as it will fail due to problems with lambda functions. Use dill
instead, which has the same syntax as pickle:
import dill
from ctpfrec import CTPF
c = CTPF()
dill.dump(c, open("CTPF_obj.dill", "wb"))
c = dill.load(open("CTPF_obj.dill", "rb"))
[1] Gopalan, Prem K., Laurent Charlin, and David Blei. "Content-based recommendations with poisson factorization." Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. 2014.