
Alignment classes

.[small-]?text-[left, center, right]{1}: align text to whichever position and optionally target only small breakpoint;

<center>...</center>: center images, buttons and menus;

.float-[left, right]{1}: float an image left or right;

<columns></columns><columns [[small, large]{1}=...]*>...</columns><columns></columns>: centering the middle column and optionally giving it a width;

valign=[top, middle, bottom]{1}: vertically align content;


<button href="[#, ...]{1}"></button>: creates a button, href attribute is mandatory;

.[tiny, small, large]?: sizes the button or can be omitted for default size;

.[small-]?expanded: expand the button to full width;

Global Styles

.[primary, secondary, success, warning, alert, white, black]{1}: colors the element in (blue, grey, green, yellow, red, white, black, ...) respectively;

$global-width: width of the container; $global-gutter: width of the grid gutter (between columns and the outside edge); $global-breakpoint: $global-width + $global-gutter, width at which layout is changed;

The Grid

<container>...</container>: main container for the email, it gives the email the full width that is available;

<row>...</row>: creates a new row to accept more columns;

.[collapse]?: removes gutters in all columns within;

<columns [small="..."]? [large="..."]?>...</columns>: creates a new column of the specified width/12 for both small and large screens;

.[first, last]{1}: adds an appropriate amount of padding from the container's edge;

.[expander]?: forces columns to take up max width in outlook;

.[large-, small-]?offset-[...]: offsets the column by the specified amount;

$grid-column-count: number of columns in the email;


<spacer size="..."></spacer>: vertically space out content by a pixel value;


<wrapper>...</wrapper>: wraps a container to bind content to its width and allow background colors;


<p>...</p>: place text in a paragraph, use and for bold and italics;

<h[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]?>...[<small>...</small>]...</h[]>: text headers that go from largest to smallest, different presets for each screen size. use "small" tag to force smaller screen preset.