
Contains all experiments with different types of matrices and operations.

Primary LanguagePython

Parallel Computing Snippets

This repository contains all experiments with different types of matrices(dense, sparse, bandes, etc.) and operations associated with it such as matrix-matrix multiplication, LU factorization and QR factorization.

  • [1] Dense Matrix-Matrix Multiplication
  • [2] Banded Matrix-Matrix Multiplication (with banded storage)
  • [3] Sparse Matrix-Matrix multiplication [Coordinate Storage Format (COO)]
  • [4] Sparse Matrix-Matrix multiplication [Compressed Storage Row (CSR)]
  • [5] Forward substition of Lower Triangular matrix
  • [6] Backward substition of Upper Triangular matrix
  • [7] LU factorization of a matrix A
  • [8] LU solver for x -> Ax = b in the form of : Lt = b and Ux = t
  • [9] LU factorization of a Hessenberg matrix A