This repository contains all experiments with different types of matrices(dense, sparse, bandes, etc.) and operations associated with it such as matrix-matrix multiplication, LU factorization and QR factorization.
- [1] Dense Matrix-Matrix Multiplication
- [2] Banded Matrix-Matrix Multiplication (with banded storage)
- [3] Sparse Matrix-Matrix multiplication [Coordinate Storage Format (COO)]
- [4] Sparse Matrix-Matrix multiplication [Compressed Storage Row (CSR)]
- [5] Forward substition of Lower Triangular matrix
- [6] Backward substition of Upper Triangular matrix
- [7] LU factorization of a matrix A
- [8] LU solver for x -> Ax = b in the form of : Lt = b and Ux = t
- [9] LU factorization of a Hessenberg matrix A