
A Go tagcloud service that counts the occurence of words from a stream of tweets

Primary LanguageGo


A simple tagcloud service that counts the occurence of words from a stream of tweets.

Quick Start

  • go get github.com/g-leon/Tagcloud
  • cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/g-leon/Tagcloud
  • edit tokens.json to include your Twitter OAuth credentials
  • go run main.go [OPTIONS]
  • go test

Command Line Options

-t  Number of seconds until the stream is closed (default is 5).
-n  Size of the tagcloud that contains most frequent N words. 
    Rest of the words will be aggregated in the "other" object of the json output.
    (default is 0 - words are printed in random order).
-r  Use Redis to store and count the frequency of the words.
    Must have a Redis server started listening on the default port (6379).
-f  Print output to file in addition to terminal.
-s  Suppress printing the output to terminal.

Run in a Docker container

  • cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/g-leon/Tagcloud
  • docker build -t tagcloud .
  • docker run tagcloud [OPTIONS]

Run with a dockerized Redis server

  • docker run -d -p --name redis redis
  • cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/g-leon/Tagcloud
  • go run main.go [OPTIONS]

Run a dockerized Tagcloud with a linked dockerized Redis server

  • docker run -d -p --name redis redis
  • cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/g-leon/Tagcloud
  • docker build -t tagcloud .
  • docker run --link redis:redis tagcloud -r [OPTIONS]

Run a dockerized Tagcloud with a linked dockerized Redis server using docker-compose

  • cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/g-leon/Tagcloud
  • mv Dockerfile Dockerfile.main
  • mv Dockerfile.docker-compose Dockerfile
  • open Dockerfile and add command line options to "CMD go run main.go [OPTIONS]"
  • docker-compose build
  • docker-compose up