
A simple Rock-Paper-Scissors game with React-Native which can be played multiplayer online.


A simple Rock-Paper-Scissors game with React-Native which can be played multiplayer online.

This is a simple Rock-Paper-Scissors game for android built using react Native. It is currently under development so you can only play once and then you have to create a new game.

Steps to play:

  1. Enter game and signup with your email and password.
  2. Choose if you want to create a game or join a game.
  3. It you choose to create a game then you have to send the code generated to your friend so as to play online as multiplayer.
  4. If you choose to join the game then enter the code sent by your friend. Note: Typing username while entering the game is compulsory.
  5. Enjoy!

Contributions are welcome:)

splashscreen signin signup choosegametype creategame joingame