
HandyRL is a handy and simple framework for distributed reinforcement learning that is applicable to your own environments.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


HandyRL is a handy and simple framework for distributed reinforcement learning that is applicable to your own environments.

Quick Start, Easy to Win

  • Prepare your own environment
  • Let’s start large-scale distributed training
  • Get your great model!

How to use

Step 0: Install dependencies

HandyRL supports Python3.7+. You need to install additional libraries (e.g. numpy, pytorch).

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

To use games of kaggle environments (e.g. Hungry Geese) you can install also additional dependencies.

pip3 install -r handyrl/envs/kaggle/requirements.txt

Step 1: Set up configuration

Set config.yaml for your training configuration. If you run a training with TicTacToe and batch size 64, set like the following:

    env: 'TicTacToe'
    source: 'handyrl.envs.tictactoe'

    batch_size: 64

NOTE: TicTacToe is used as a default game. Here is the list of games. When you use your own environment, set the name of the environment to env and script path to source.

Step 2: Train!

python main.py --train

NOTE: Trained model is saved in models folder.

Step 3: Evaluate

After training, you can evaluate the model against any models. The below code runs the evaluation for 100 games with 4 processes.

python main.py --eval models/1.pth 100 4

NOTE: Default opponent AI is random agent implemented in evaluation.py. You can change the agent with any of your agents.

Distributed Training!

HandyRL allows you to learn a model remotely on a large scale.

Step 1: Remote configuration

If you will use remote machines as worker clients(actors), you need to set training server(learner) address in each client:

    server_address: ''  # Set training server address to be connected from worker

NOTE: When you train a model on cloud(e.g. GCP, AWS), the internal/external IP of virtual machine can be set here.

Step 2: Start training server

python main.py --train-server

NOTE: The server listens to connections from workers. The trained models are saved in models folder.

Step 3: Start workers

After starting the training server, you can start the workers for data generation and evaluation. In HandyRL, (multi-node) multiple workers can connect to the server.

python main.py --worker

Step 4: Evaluate

After training, you can evaluate the model against any models. The below code runs the evaluation for 100 games with 4 processes.

python main.py --eval models/1.pth 100 4

Custom environment

Write a wrapper class named Environment following the format of the sample environments. The kind of your games are:

To see all interfaces of environment, check environment.py.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How to use rule-based AI as an opponent?
    • You can easily use it by creating a rule-based AI method rule_based_action() in a class Environment.
  • How to change the opponent in evaluation?
    • Set your agent in evaluation.py like agents = [agent1, YourOpponentAgent()]
  • too many open files Error
    • This error happens in a large-scale training. You should increase the maximum file limit by running ulimit -n 65536. The value 65536 depends on a training setting. Note that the effect of ulimit is session-based so you will have to either change the limit permanently (OS and version dependent) or run this command in your shell starting script.
    • In Mac OSX, you may need to change the system limit with launchctl before running ulimit -n (e.g. How to Change Open Files Limit on OS X and macOS)

Use cases