
CORBIT: Object-oriented extension of Common Lisp based on a prototype (classless) model of OOP.

Primary LanguageCommon Lisp

CommonORBIT is an object-oriented extension of Common LISP developed
by Koenraad De Smedt.  The system consists of the following files:

- corbit.lisp (< 83K)

This file of Lisp code is basically all you need.  It should be
compiled on any system conforming to CLtL 2.  It does not use CLOS.
Load the compiled file and don't forget to do (use-package 'corbit).

- corbit.docl (< 20K)

This is a documentation file.  Further information can be obtained
from the following book chapter:

De Smedt, K. 1987. Object-oriented programming in Flavors and
CommonORBIT. In: Hawley, R. (ed.)  Artificial Intelligence Programming
Environments, pp.  157-176.  Chichester: Ellis Horwood.

This chapter is slightly outdated, but it explains the main
principles well.

- tests.lisp (< 4K)

This file contains a few tests that demonstrate some capabilities.

- presentation.lisp (< 8K)

This file contains Symbolics Common Lisp code to present and
manipulate graphical representations of objects in Dynamic Windows
under Genera.  It should be relatively simple to modify this file to
make it work for CLIM.  I haven't gotten around to doing this yet, but
I'd be delighted if someone wants to work on it.

Please read the copyright notice and the disclaimer in the code.
CommonORBIT is an experimental academic system and not a commercially
supported software product.  This means that the system is not
guaranteed to work in any way and that support is limited.  You can
play with the CommonORBIT system as much as you like, as long as you
are not selling the system itself, and if you are also willing to keep
me informed about your extensions and applications.  Do not hesitate
to send any comments or suggestions.

I am currently (Jan. 1993) not planning to undertake any substantial
work on the system, because I simply don't have time.  I have given
thought to a few straightforward modifications, e.g. implementation on
top of CLOS, design of a user-interface tool a la Flavor Examiner, and
modification of the structured inheritance capability.  There has been
a study on the latter, but it has not been fully tested.

There is also a simplified version of CORBIT which is called BOOPS
(Beginner's Object-Oriented Programming System).  It is very small,
efficient and simple and intended for classroom use.

Koenraad de Smedt  (Leiden University)