
Simplifying running unit tests with coverage for Typescript projects.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


What the plugin does

The plugin seamlessly runs your unit tests written in Typescript and creates coverage reports, eliminating the need for additional build steps or scripts.

Here's a screenshot of coverage created with karma-typescript:

Installation and configuration

First, install the plugin:

npm install karma-typescript --save-dev

Then put this in your Karma config:

frameworks: ["jasmine", "karma-typescript"],

files: [
    { pattern: "src/**/*.ts" }

preprocessors: {
    "**/*.ts": ["karma-typescript"]

reporters: ["progress", "karma-typescript"],

browsers: ["Chrome"]

Now run Karma and two things will happen:

  • Your tests written in Typescript will be executed on-the-fly.
  • You'll have html test coverage, remapped with remap-istanbul in the folder ./coverage in the root of your project.

Runnable example

Under the hood

Under the hood, karma-typescript chains several other useful plugins and configures them with sensible defaults, in the following order:

Module Step Settings
typescript Transpile to in-memory with inline sourcemaps { target: "es5", module: "commonjs", sourceMap: true}
karma-commonjs Add module loading for browsers
karma-coverage Instrument the code with Istanbul
remap-istanbul Create remapped coverage { html: "coverage" } (.spec.ts and .test.ts excluded)

Advanced configuration

If the defaults aren't enough, karma-typescript is both configurable and steps aside if it detects that you've added karma-commonjs or karma-coverage to the Karma config yourself.

Here are the report and remapping options for karma-typescript:

karmaTypescriptConfig: {
    /* Report type options passed to remap-istanbul */
        "clover": "coverage",
        "cobertura": "coverage",
        "html": "coverage",
        "json-summary": "coverage",
        "json": "coverage",
        "lcovonly": "coverage",
        "teamcity": "coverage",
        "text-lcov": "coverage",
        "text-summary": "coverage",
        "text": "coverage"
    /* Options passed to remap-istanbul */
        // Regex or string for excluding files, the example below is default
        exclude: /\.(spec|test)\.ts/,
        // Function for warning messages, these warnings are silent by default
        warn: function(message){}

It is also possible to add options for karma-coverage in the coverageReporter section. In the next example, a TeamCity report is created with karma-coverage and karma-typescript is used as an on-the-fly transpiler and reporter. The plugin doesn't run the karma-commonjs and karma-coverage plugins since they're specified in the configuration and will be run by Karma:

frameworks: ["jasmine", "commonjs"],

files: [
    { pattern: "src/**/*.ts" }

preprocessors: {
    "**/*.ts": ["karma-typescript", "commonjs", "coverage"]

reporters: ["progress", "karma-typescript", "coverage"],

// For more options, see https://github.com/karma-runner/karma-coverage
coverageReporter: {
    type: "teamcity", file: "teamcity.txt"

browsers: ["PhantomJS"]


This software is licensed with the MIT license.

© 2016 Monounity