
Static generator for dimitri.codes using Gatsby

Primary LanguageAstroOtherNOASSERTION


This is the source code of my personal blog at https://dimitri.codes. This project uses https://astro.build/.

The syntax highlighting theme is based on the One Dark UI theme for Atom, which has been ported to Prism.js.

Set up

The configuration of this project resides in src/config/config.ts. Make modifications to run your own local site.

After that, you can use the following commands to run the project:

npm install
npm start

This will run a local web server on http://localhost:4321.


  • Support for categories and tags.
  • Support for featured images.
  • Support for manual excerpts.
  • Support for comments with Utteranc.es.
  • Web app manifest generation.


The blogposts written for dimitri.codes are copyrighted. Code snippets within the blogposts and the code used for generating this website are licensed as MIT.