
Ansible role: Configure a Virtual Host in Nginx

Nginx Vhost

Configures a single virtual host for nginx


Nginx should be installed on the system already (this can be done with the Firehed.nginx role)

Role Variables


vhost_index: index.php
vhost_root: /var/www/example.com
vhost_name: example.com


vhost_alt_names: www.example.com www2.example.com
  SOME: value
  SOME_OTHER: value
vhost_process_http: yes
vhost_redirect_http: no

# defaults to empty dictionary
  certificate: /path/to/public_key.pem
  private_key: /path/to/private_key.pem
  dhparam: /path/to/dhparam.pem (optional)
  hsts: 1576800 (optional, HSTS header lifetime duration in seconds)


The Firehed.nginx role is highly recommended, as it installs and configures Nginx itself. However it's not listed as an explicit dependency as the two can run independently.

Example Playbook

Important! The default configuration does not use SSL, meaning your website will be insecure. The example below is secure.

- hosts: servers
    - role: Firehed.nginx-vhost
      vhost_index: index.php
      vhost_root: /var/www/example.com
      vhost_name: example.com
      vhost_process_http: no
      vhost_redirect_http: yes
        certificate: /etc/ssl/example.com/cert.pem
        private_key: /etc/ssl/example.com/key.pem
        dhparam: /etc/ssl/example.com/dhparam.pem
        hsts: 1576800

Recommended; shown above: To redirect HTTP to HTTPS (301), set vhost_redirect_http: yes and configure the vhost_ssl dictionary.

Ideal: To serve only HTTPS, set vhost_process_http: no, vhost_redirect_http: no, and configure the vhost_ssl dictionary. The server will not even listen for plaintext HTTP requests! This is not practial unless the domain is in the browser's HSTS Preload list or is an API that is only intended to be available over HTTPS.

Not recommended: To serve HTTP and HTTPS in parallel, set vhost_process_http: yes (default), vhost_redirect_http: no (default), and configure the vhost_ssl dictionary.

Not recommended: To serve HTTP only, do not provide a vhost_ssl value.
