
GoogLeNet implemented in pytorch

Primary LanguagePython


GoogLeNet implemented with pytorch

Network Architecture



Main concepts

NIN (Network in Network)

  • Used MLP instead of conv layers to extract features
  • Conv is a linear operation but MLPs are non-linear.
  • So MLP is a better feature extractor than Conv
  • MLP is the same as 1x1 conv image

1x1 Conv

  • Reduces the feature map channel size
  • Reduces computation

Inception Module


  • allows the network to see different field of view (Receptive field)
  • 1x1 conv helps 3x3 and 5x5 reduce computations by reducing the channel size.

Auxilary Classifier


  • To address the vanishing gradient problem
  • Attached on Inception4a and Inception4d
  • Only attatched when training!!! <- becareful when implementing the code!
  • Total loss = main_loss + 0.3 * (aux1_loss + aux2_loss)