Perfekt Root (exploit) on Termux

WITHOUT su-files/-folder on your android

root termux

Update script:

Exploit Termux Root

•no root on your phone, but root on your TERMUX

•WITHOUT kali , debian , ubuntu or any other OS install !!

•USE the orginal Termux,

with root-rights on your UNROOTED phone (exploit)

Download Termux app: copy paste link :

command combo

apt-get update -y && apt-get upgrade -y && pkg up -y
pkg install neofetch -y && pkg install git -y && pkg install proot -y
pkg install unzip -y && pkg install fish -y && pkg install curl
cd TermuxRoot && chmod +x * && cd intro && chmod +x * && cd
cd TermuxRoot && bash main

[• Copy Output Text RED:Turquoise]

(cd intro && bash devil-eye -r && bash devil-eye -t 1.Type_root_and_hit_ENTER....._________2.Type_fish_and_hit_ENTER g0ttm0dus)

reboot Termux

write "root" and klick ENTER

(write "fish" & klick ENTER for a special root-shell)

DEV: • try this :

cd /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/etc/ && mv motd /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/ && cd

"main" is an automated tool which help you to gain to access of fake root privileges and real root privileges without rooting your device. You don't need to install any other OS to gain the root privileges in your termux. This tool is specifically made for termux and termux users.


Step 1: update your termux and download: -root-files :

 pkg update -y && pkg upgrade -y && pkg install neofetch -y && pkg install git -y && git clone
 chmod +x /data/data/com.termux/files/home/TermuxRoot/intro/devil-eye && chmod +x /data/data/com.termux/files/home/TermuxRoot/main

failed chmod? pls make this manuell:

cd TermuxRoot && chmod +x *

cd intro && chmod +x * && cd

Step 2: run script for root install:

cd TermuxRoot && bash main

Step 3: go to "intro" folder and install packages for the next tool:

cd $HOME && cd TermuxRoot/intro && ./devil-eye -r

or install manuell:

cd intro && ./devil-eye -r

start & run:

./devil-eye -t Type_root_and_hit_ENTER g0ttm0dus

reboot Termux for the full ROOT effect:

• exit (enter and close the app) ✓

• restart Termux App ✓

• run "root" for full root privileges on Termux ✓

• command "fish" for a better root-shell ✓

dev (one-command):

rm -rf /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/etc/motd


• cd /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/etc

• ls

• rm -rf motd ✓


• mv motd /data/data/com.termux/files/usr ✓

single-commands to install:

apt-get update -y
apt-get upgrade -y
pkg up -y
pkg install git -y
git clone
cd TermuxRoot
chmod +x main
cd intro
chmod +x devil-eye
cd ..
cd intro
./devil-eye -r
./devil-eye -t Type_root_and_hit_ENTER g0ttm0dus

reboot Termux, write "root" & hit ENTER (write "fish" for a new root-shell)


(Install a new Termux in Termux)



•pkg install proot-distro


•proot-distro install debian


•proot-distro login debian


•apt update


•apt install nano vim sudo


•adduser g0tt


•sudo nano ../etc/sudoers


•[Copy the line "root ALL=(ALL...." .. paste this unter the copy line .. edit root to g0tt]


•su g0tt

Add-ons You can use

command to make your termux more attractive.

THX to :

Mr. IdealHat --> (because, i copied and modified his "repo" for this project !!)
the Termux team --> (for the app)
g0dm0de1337 --> (for this genius idea)