rspamd image

This image provides an unofficial dockerized rspamd image.

Table of Contents

  1. Supported tags and versions
  2. Quick reference
  3. How to use this image
    1. Run the container
    2. Use custom container
    3. Use bind mounts
    4. Available volumes

Supported tags and versions

Quick reference

How to use this image

Run the container

This container uses rspamd's default configuration.

You are highly advised to not mount your configuration directly to /conf. Instead use rspamd's overrides and mount your configuration in /conf/local.d.

Use custom container

FROM g0dscookie/rspamd
COPY conf.d /config/local.d

Now build your container with $ docker build -t my-rspamd ..

Use bind mounts

$ docker run -d --name my-rspamd -v /path/to/config:/conf/local.d:ro -v /path/to/data:/data g0dscookie/rspamd

Note that /path/to/config is a directory.

Available volumes

  • /data
    • Here you can store your mails
  • /conf
    • rspamd configuration files.

Update instructions

  1. Add new rspamd version to
  2. make VERSION="<VERSION>"
    1. Omit VERSION= or set <VERSION> to latest if you are building a latest version.
  3. make push
  4. Commit your changes and push them