
Funcube Dongle Pro Plus server for ghpsdr3-alex

Primary LanguagePython


It is Funcube Dongle Pro Plus server for ghpsdr3-alex implementation on python.

Dependencies is:


  • support for multiple receivers (it's incomplete).

Basic usage:

  • run fcdpp-server.py
  • run dspserver
  • run QtRadio

Usage: fcdpp-server.py [-h] [-s] [-p] [-l] [-m] [-i IF_GAIN] [-o PPM_OFFSET] [-a IPADDR]


optional arguments:

  • -h, --help show this help message and exit
  • -s, --swapiq Swap the I and Q inputs, reversing the spectrum
  • -p, --predsp Offload some processing to an instance of predsp.py
  • -l, --lna_gain Enable the LNA gain.
  • -m, --mixer_gain Enable the mixer gain.
  • -i IF_GAIN, --if_gain IF_GAIN Specify the IF gain in dB as integer, default 0.
  • -o PPM_OFFSET, --ppm_offset PPM_OFFSET Frequency offset in parts per million, as float i.e. 3.9
  • -a IPADDR, --ipaddr IPADDR The server's IPv4 address to bind to. Default is all addresses, i.e. (alias addresses can be used)

Predsp: If you want to run fcdpp-server.py on embedded hardware (like BeagleBone Black in my case), you probably would want to move all data preprocessing (eg. conversion from ints to floats) to host running dspserver. For that purpouse I wrote small script called predsp.py. Usage:

  • on embedded host run 'fcdpp-server.py -p'
  • on more capable host run 'predsp.py' and 'dspserver --server '
  • run QtRadio or another client and point it to dspserver's address

License: GPLv3