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--== Looking for hardcoded API Keys ==--
B4d C0d3
Author: g0ttfrid
Contributor : Achilles0x01
Simple tool to help you catch hardcode API Keys.
- Enum sub-domains (crt.sh and certspotter);
- Fetch all the URLs that Google and Wayback Machine knows of the target (Add new subdomains too);
- Connects to sub-domains and search for URLs in code (concatenating with the urls from the previous phase);
- Fetch some types of API Keys in source code using regex.
- following the worst programming practices.
Recommended to use specific proxy for crawling.
subdomains.py accesses crt.sh and certspotter.
archiveweb.py accesses google.com.br and web.archive.org.
getlinks.py and search.py access target urls.
Add more regex in search.py to get other types of keys.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d [example.com], --domain [example.com]
Specify your domain
-p [username:password@myproxy.com:1337], --proxy [username:password@myproxy.com:1337]
Specify your proxy. Recommended to use specific proxies for