api.ly.g0v.tw endpoint source and utility scripts
We recommend using docker for developing. Docker will install all the packages, configurations, database needed in a image (a file), not in your computer.
If you're using ubuntu / mint, please follow these steps: Remove sudo, Remove docker and local DNS server warnings
Build base image
$ ./docker/baseimage/scripts/build-image.sh
Run database container (store database only, please see below)
Run postgres container (please see below)
Now you can
- Run web server container
- Run worker containers
- Dig into database
- Backup the database
- Restore the database
Web server container (API endpoint)
Build image
$ ./docker/app/scripts/build-image.sh
Open another terminal, and run:
$ ./docker/app/run.sh
Open you browser, see
Woker containers
Build image
$ ./docker/workers/scripts/build-image.sh
Open another terminal, and run:
Calendar worker
$ ./docker/workers/calendar.sh
Sitting worker
$ ./docker/workers/sitting.sh
Motion & Bill worker
$ ./docker/workers/motion-and-bill.sh
Bill-details worker
$ ./docker/workers/bill-details.sh
Postgres container
Build image
$ ./docker/postgres/scripts/build-image.sh
Open another terminal, and run:
$ ./docker/postgres/run.sh
Dig into database
$ ./docker/postgres/scripts/psql.sh psql (9.3.4) Type "help" for help.
ly=> \d List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner --------+-------------------+-------+------- public | amendments | table | ly public | bills | table | ly public | calendar | table | ly public | ivod | table | ly public | laws | table | ly public | motions | table | ly public | sittings | table | ly public | ttsbills | table | ly public | ttsinterpellation | table | ly public | ttsmotions | table | ly (10 rows)
Database container
Build image
$ ./docker/dbdata/scripts/build-image.sh
Open another terminal, and run:
$ ./docker/dbdata/run.sh
Backup the database
$ ./docker/dbdata/scripts/backup.sh # save to backup/dbdata.tar
Restore the database
$ ./docker/dbdata/scripts/restore.sh
And restart postgres container
Please backup the database first before stopping database container running.
Delete the images
$ docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED VIRTUAL SIZE lyapi-xxx latest 569514b1aad4 42 minutes ago 1.439 GB $ docker rmi 569514b1aad4 Deleted: 569514b1aad4...
or simply:
$ docker rmi $(doc images | grep lyapi- | awk '{ print $3 }')
Windows or Mac
Install Virtualbox 4.3.x
Install Vagrant 1.4.x
Install berkshelf:
$ sudo gem install berkshelf
Install vagrant plugins:
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-berkshelf $ vagrant plugin install vagrant-cachier
% cd cookbooks/ly.g0v.tw/ % vagrant up
You should now have localhost:6988 served by pgrest within the vagrant, try to access http://localhost:6988/v0/collections/sittings
Besides Vagrant, of course you can run a api server in your host.
the server provides RESTFUL service by pgrest. pgrest rely on postgresql, so you should install postgresql and related components to your host.
For example, in Debian/Ubuntu
, add this line:Replace the codename with the actual distribution you are using.
examples (distribution -> codename):
Debian 7.0 -> wheezy
Ubuntu 14.04 -> trusty
deb http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/ codename-pgdg main
Import the repository key
$ wget --quiet -O - https://www.postgresql.org/media/keys/ACCC4CF8.asc | sudo apt-key add - $ sudo apt-get update
Install the packages.
$ sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.3 $ sudo apt-get install skytools3 skytools3-ticker postgresql-9.3-pgq3 # for pgq $ sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.3-plv8 # for plv8 extension
$ sudo su postgres $ export PLV8XDB=ly
% npm i
Then refer to the cookbook to initialize your postgresql.
Bootstrap with the initial dump file:
% createdb ly
% psql ly -c 'create extension plv8'
% lsc app.ls --db ly --boot
% curl -SsL 'https://www.dropbox.com/s/6j0zlzlubq8it5u/api.ly.bz2?dl=1' | bzcat | psql ly -f -
$ lsc app.ls tcp://ly:password@localhost/ly
$ lsc app.ls tcp://ly:password@localhost:5433/ly # if your postgresql is running on port 5433
pgrest will bind a local port to serve
(not automated yet)
populated with update-ivod.sh
National Parliament Library provides a database called TTS. to work with it you'll need to have lisproxy.psgi up and running, and install phatomjs and casperjs to use scripts/tts.coffee
% sudo apt-get install cpanminus
% cpanm Plack::App::Proxy
% npm i -g bower
% npm i -g casperjs
% npm i -g phantomjs
% bower install jquery
% plackup lisproxy.psgi &
populated with populate-ttsmotions.ls
and populated-ttsbills.ls
populated with populate-ttsinter.ls
To regenerate api, just run docgen.s then commit apiary.apib, the document will hook to apiary automatically
cd ~/api.ly
lsc docgen.ls
git commit apiary.apib