
政治承諾追蹤網 Political Promise Tracker

Primary LanguageJavaScript

政治承諾追蹤網 Political Promise Tracker

Our Website

Hackfoldr(any contribution and disscussion are welcome)


一個列出特定當選人 or 團隊之公開承諾的網頁。 在任期間由公民朋友自發提供新聞連結、更新承諾進度, 作為公民評估此執政者 / 團隊之執行力的工具。

Solution Stack

For frontend dependencies please refer to bower.json As for back-end please refer to package.json.

  • Frontend

    • React JS
    • Material UI
    • Stylus
    • Webpack
  • Backend

    • Express
    • Sequelize



After cloning the repo, please run the following to setup:

$ cd promisetw
$ npm install

Create a PostgreSQL database table called promisetw with user ppt and empty password. With PostgreSQL Command Line Tools installed, Run:

$ createuser ppt
$ createdb -O ppt promisetw
$ npm run seed

To run database migration and seed the mock data into database.

Lastly, please create a file .env under the project directory in following manner:

PROVIDER_FB_ID=xxxxx # Facebook app id
PROVIDER_FB_SECRET=xxxxxxxxx # Facebook app secret
PROVIDER_GOOGLE_ID=xxxxxxxxxx # Google OAuth2 client ID
PROVIDER_GOOGLE_SECRET=xxxxxxxxxx # Google OAuth2 client secret

Passport will load these files into process.env when running in development mode.

Start Server

We start the dev server using:

$ npm start

The command above does two things:

  1. Starts express server running on, which uses nodemon to watch both js and jsx files and reload server upon update.
  2. Starts webpack-dev-server in, which triggers browser reload after webpack compilation. It proxies all server requests (like /api connections) to

After npm start, open to see the website running.


Currently we use PostgreSQL both on heroku and localhost. The database structure is managed by migration scripts in server/migration.

General steps to alter the database structure (i.e. add/remove tables or add/remove columns) are given below:

  1. Generate migration scripts using node_modules/.bin/sequelize migration:create
  2. Edit the generated script under the directory 'server/migration'
  3. Run npm run migrate (a shortcut for node_modules/.bin/sequelize db:migrate)

If you want to create a new model, please refer to node_modules/.bin/sequelize help:model:create for more information.

Starting Points

  • server/server.js: ExpressJS server that acts as an API server, and invokes ReactJS server-side rendering, which loads common/views/app.jsx, renders to string and put the rendered string into server/views/app.jade.
  • common/views/app.jsx: Isomorphic React component that creates the entire app.
  • client/js/client.js: Front-end javascript starting point, also loads common/view/app.jsx and initializes React front-end app.
  • client/styl/client.styl: Starting point of all styles of the app.

Naming Convention

  • Class files (stores, components, etc.) are capitalized CamelCase.
  • Object instance files (actions, fluxibleApp) are lower camelCase.

Debugging Messages

Debug messages are inserted using visionmedia/debug. All debug flags starts with ppt:, thus you may use DEBUG=ppt:* npm start to print all debug messages on node.js.

The debug instance is exposed as window.myDebug in browsers, thus you may use myDebug.enable("ppt:*") in browser console as well.


Deploying to a production server like heroku involves:

  1. Build JS, CSS and HTML files with hash names (npm run build)
  2. Commit the compiled files into repository.
  3. Push to Heroku.

These steps are wired inside package.json in commands starting with deploy. To deploy to Heroku, just run:

$ npm run deploy

If the database structure should be updated, don't forget to run database migration on server as well:

$ heroku run npm run migrate

If you would like to inspect the compiled website without pushing to Heroku, you may:

$ npm run build # Generates hashed assets inside client/build
$ NODE_ENV=production foreman start  # Start server in production mode


  • let user login
  • let report rating work (and api/endpoint)
  • let add/edit report work (and api/endpoint)
  • add Redux authMiddleware
  • let AppBar change according to route
  • try to make login and any post request in 1 rtt
  • let homepage de-hardcoded