
GitHub Action to auto-detect package manager for nodejs.

MIT LicenseMIT



GitHub Action to auto-detect package manager for nodejs.

This action is mainly useful for action authors who want to automatically detect the nodejs package manager used by the user's project. E.g. a create-* starter kit that generates actions for users, in the past, you would have to prepare some templates and then generate values based on the package manager used by the user, and eventually output a usable action. Now you can combine this action and generate the final file directly.


Below is a workflow that is used to test this action. You can find it in this repository.

In the tests directory, there are three subdirectories, which contain different lock files. This action will be based on the lock file to detect the package manager used by the project.

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
        manager: [npm, yarn, pnpm]
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - name: Detect package manager
        uses: g1eny0ung/detect-nodejs-package-manager-action@v1
          working-directory: ./tests/${{ matrix.manager }}
          env-name: pm
      - uses: pnpm/action-setup@v2
        if: ${{ matrix.manager == 'pnpm' }}
        name: Install pnpm
          version: 8
      - name: Install dependencies
        run: $pm install
        working-directory: ./tests/${{ matrix.manager }}


Name Description Required Default
working-directory The working directory to detect package manager false .
env-name An output env variable that contains the package manager name, see Env name for more details false ""

Env name

You need to specify an env name to get the package manager name. The default is empty, if you don't specify it, you can get the package manager name through the output value of the step:

- name: Detect package manager
  id: package-manager
  uses: g1eny0ung/detect-nodejs-package-manager-action@v1
- name: Set environment variable
  shell: bash
  run: echo "$pm=${{ steps.package-manager.outputs.pm }}" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
- name: Install dependencies
  run: $pm install


Under the MIT License.