CYF & Capgemini Hackathon 2020

Team Hack Slash


To run app locally:

  1. Fork and clone the project.

  2. Populate .env file inside /backend directory with your credentials. Check .env.example for its contents.

  3. Run npm run repopulate-db:local to populate db with fake data for local development.

  4. Run npm install:all in the project root folder (not working 100% on Windows). If you wish to install and run only backend or frontend part of the app, then cd into that folder and run npm install. For example: cd backend && npm install.

  5. Then to run app (from root folder) in dev mode: npm run dev. If you prefer to run backend in one terminal and frontend in another, then execute npm run dev:backend in one and npm run dev:frontend in another.

  6. By default backend server is running on port 3001 and frontend on port 3000. So they are accessible at http://localhost:3001 and http://localhost:3000.

Relevant files for future development