
Meta-package for installing all of the g2nb tools

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


g2nb combines the accessibility and research narrative capabilities of Jupyter with the genomics tools available in Galaxy, GenePattern, and other popular bioinformatics platforms, adding many features for ease of use by non-programming scientists.


Installing this meta-package gets you the entire suite of g2nb tools.

pip install g2nb


  • GenePattern Notebook: gives GenePattern users the ability to interleave text, graphics, and code with their GenePattern analyses to create "notebooks" that can be edited, shared, and published.
  • GalaxyLab: Support for Galaxy analyses in Jupyter notebooks.
  • igv-jupyter: An extension for Jupyter which wraps igv.js, the javascript version of the Integrative Genomics Viewer.
  • jupyter-wysiwyg: A rich test editor for markdown cells.
  • nbtools: A framework for creating user-friendly Jupyter notebooks that are accessible to both programming and non-programming users.