
Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Memory: 2GB (due RocksDB) OS: MacOS, Linux, Windows


  1. Install rocksdb library (download rocksdb last version, into rocksdb folder: make shared lib and then make install-shared INSTALL_PATH=/usr/local/lib)
  2. Build with cmake program in rocksdb_uvm_support:
  3. cd rocksdb_uvm_support
  4. mkdir build
  5. cd build
  6. cmake ..
  7. make
  8. After building, need to run it: ./rocksdb_uvm_support. It will create column families which Unit needed
  9. After column families were created - need to build Unit.
## Building Unit(Unix)

1. `cd UVM`
2. `mkdir build`
3. `build`
4. `cmake ..`
5. `make`
6. Now we can start Unit: `./UVM`

Api Requests:

Send unit transaction

Default URL: localhost:49000

  "instruction": "i_push_transaction",
  "data": {
    "from": "g2px1",
    "to": "sunaked",
    "amount": 1.00003,
    "type": 0,
    "extradata": {
      "name": "null",
      "value": "null",

Create countable token

Default URL: localhost:49000

  "instruction": "i_push_transaction",
  "data": {
    "from": "g2px1",
    "to": "",
    "amount": 0,
    "type": 1,
    "extradata": {
      "name": "null",
      "value": "nulll",

Send tokens

Default URL: localhost:49000

  "instruction": "i_push_transaction",
  "data": {
    "from": "g2px1",
    "to": "sunaked",
    "amount": 0,
    "type": 2,
    "extradata": {
      "name": "teeeest",
      "value": "1",


  • BIP32 & BIP44
  • Pseudonymous
  • VM
  • GPU counting Proof of Knowledge


Maximun RAM consumption: 260 MB.
10 thousand TX were processed by 5 minutes.

Dependencies(VM && Unit-chain)

  • rocksdb
  • boost


Link to Unit Virtual Machine Repository

VM Opcodes

hex num name args note examples Stack [before]→[after] exception Implemented(true/false)
000 stop - stop execution of the contract stop [no change] - true
001 go_to int goes to another instruction at branchoffset go_to 2 [no change] - true
002 swap_references int,int swaps two references. indexing starts from top of stack swap 1 3 value1,value2→value2,value1 - true
003 iadd num, num adding value value1,value2→result - true
004 isub num, num subtract value value1,value2→result - true
005 idivide num, num devide value value1,value2→result - true
006 imul num, num multiply value value1,value2→result - true
007 imod int, int a % b value1,value2→result - true
008 ixor int, int a ^ b value1,value2→result - true
009 iinv num !a value→!value - true
010 ilshift int, int a << val value1,value2→result second parameter < int32 max value true
011 irshift int a >> val value1,value2→result - true
012 pop Object pop value value→ - true
013 - - - - - - false
014 dup Object duplicate from top of the stack value→value1,value1 - true
015 ior num a || b value1,value2→result - true
016 iand int a & b value1,value2→result - true
017 - - - - - - false
018 osha3 Object sha3_256 value on top of the stack. value→sha3(value) - false
019 balance string get balance of address →value - false
020 timestamp - get timestamps →value - false
021 blockhash - get blockhash →value - false
022 chainid - returns chain_id →value - false
023 create - create contract [no change] - false
024 destruct string destruct contract and returns all holdings to their holders [no change] - false
025 address - address of current contract →value - false
026 invalid - invalid - false
027 iconst_0 int push int value 0 onto the stack. i_const → 0 - true
028 iconst_1 int push int value 1 onto the stack → 1 - true
029 iconst_2 int push int value 2 onto the stack → 2 - true
030 iconst_3 int push int value 3 onto the stack → 3 - true
031 iconst_4 int push int value 4 onto the stack → 4 - true
032 u64const_0 - push uint64_t value 0 onto the stack → 0 - true
033 u64const_1 - push uint64_t value 1 onto the stack → 1 - true
034 u64const_2 - push uint64_t value 2 onto the stack → 2 - true
035 u64const_3 - push uint64_t value 3 onto the stack → 3 - true
036 u64const_4 - push uint64_t value 4 onto the stack → 4 - true
037 u128const_0 - push uint128_t value 0 onto the stack → 0 - true
038 u128const_1 - push uint128_t value 1 onto the stack → 1 - true
039 u128const_2 - push uint128_t value 2 onto the stack → 2 - true
040 u128const_3 - push uint128_t value 3 onto the stack → 3 - true
041 u128const_4 - push uint128_t value 4 onto the stack → 4 - true
042 u256const_0 - push uint256_t value 0 onto the stack. → 0 - true
043 u256const_1 - push uint256_t value 1 onto the stack → 1 - true
044 u256const_2 - push uint256_t value 2 onto the stack → 2 - true
045 u256const_3 - push uint256_t value 3 onto the stack → 3 - true
046 u256const_4 - push uint256_t value 4 onto the stack → 4 - true
047 ostore_0 int push object value into local 0 [no change] - true
048 ostore_1 int push object value into local 1 [no change] - true
049 ostore_2 int push object value into local 2 [no change] - true
050 ostore_3 int push object value into local 3 [no change] - true
051 ldc int index load #index from blockhain data. If program looks like: [60, 1], it'll load first value from blockchain data1 onto the stack. If program looks like: [60, 2], it'll load second value from blockchain data1onto the stack. → value - true
052 oload_0 int index load value from local_#index onto top of stack iload 1 → value - true
053 oload_1 int index load value from local_#index onto top of stack iload 1 → value - true
054 oload_2 int index load value from local_#index onto top of stack iload 1 → value - true
055 oload_3 int index load value from local_#index onto top of stack iload 1 → value - true
056 swap - swaps two top elements swap value1,value2→value2,value1 - true
057 if_acmpeq Object ,Object checks if two values (Object or string) on top of the stack are equal. next index - index of next instruction. (a == b) if_acmpeq 23 [no change] - true
058 if_acmpne Object , Object checks if two values (Object or string) on top of the stack are not equal. next index - index of next instruction. (a != b) if_acmpne 23 [no change] - true
059 if_icmpeq Object, Object checks if two integers (int32, uint64, uint128, uint256) on top of the stack are equal. next index - index of next instruction. (a == b) if_icmpeq 23 [no change] - true
060 if_icmpge num,num checks if two integers (int32, uint64, uint128, uint256) on top of the stack are greater than or equal. next index - index of next instruction. (a >= b) if_icmpge 23 [no change] - true
061 if_icmpgt num,num checks if two integers (int32, uint64, uint128, uint256) on top of the stack are greater than. next index - index of next instruction. (a > b) if_icmpgt 23 [no change] - true
062 if_icmple num,num checks if two integers (int32, uint64, uint128, uint256) on top of the stack are less than or equal. next index - index of next instruction. (a <= b) if_icmple 23 [no change] - true
063 if_icmplt num,num checks if two integers (int32, uint64, uint128, uint256) on top of the stack are less. next index - index of next instruction. (a < b) if_icmplt 23 [no change] - true
064 if_icmpne num,num checks if two integers (int32, uint64, uint128, uint256) on top of the stack are not equal. next index - index of next instruction. (a != b) if_icmpne 23 [no change] - true
065 ifeq num checks if integer (int32, uint64, uint128, uint256) on top of the stack are 0. next index - index of next instruction. (a == 0) ifeq 23 [no change] - true
066 ifge num checks if integer (int32, uint64, uint128, uint256) on top of the stack greater than or equal to 0. next index - index of next instruction. (a >= 0) ifge 23 [no change] - true
067 ifgt num checks if integer (int32, uint64, uint128, uint256) on top of the stack greater than 0. next index - index of next instruction. (a > 0) ifgt 23 [no change] - true
068 ifle num checks if integer (int32, uint64, uint128, uint256) on top of the stack less than or equal to 0. next index - index of next instruction. (a <= 0) ifle 23 [no change] - true
069 iflt num checks if integer (int32, uint64, uint128, uint256) on top of the stack less than 0. next index - index of next instruction. (a < 0) iflt 23 [no change] - true
070 ifne num checks if integer (int32, uint64, uint128, uint256) on top of the stack not equals 0. next index - index of next instruction. (a != 0) ifne 23 [no change] - true
071 ifnonnull Object checks if value (Object or string) on top of the stack are not null. next index - index of next instruction. (a != null) ifnonnull 23 [no change] - true
072 ifnull Object checks if value (Object or string) on top of the stack are not null. next index - index of next instruction. (a == null) ifnull 23 [no change] - true
073 nop - perform no operation nop [no change] - true
074 collectionlength collection push array length on top of the stack by getting length of collection which is on top of the stack collectionlength collection→collection,length(uint64) - true
075 dconst_0 - push int value 0.0 onto the stack. dconst_0 → 0.0 - true
076 dconst_1 - push int value 1.0 onto the stack. dconst_1 → 1.0 - true
077 u64add num, num adding value value1,value2→value1+value2 - true
078 u128add num, num adding value value1,value2→value1+value2 - true
079 u256add num, num adding value value1,value2→value1+value2 - true
080 dadd num, num adding value value1,value2→value1+value2 - true
081 u64sub num, num substract value value1,value2→value1-value2 - true
082 u128sub num, num substract value value1,value2→value1-value2 - true
083 u256sub num, num substract value value1,value2→value1-value2 - true
084 dsub num, num substract value value1,value2→value1-value2 - true
085 u64divide num, num devide value value1,value2→value1/value2 - true
086 u64mul num, num multiply value value1,value2→value1*value2 - true
087 u64mod int, int a % b value1,value2→value1%value2 double true
088 u64xor int, int a ^ b value1,value2→value1^value2 double true
089 u64inv num !a value→!value - true
090 u64lshift int, int a << val value1,value2→value1<<value2 second parameter < int32 max value true
091 u128divide num, num devide value value1,value2→value1/value2 - true
092 u128mul num, num multiply value value1,value2→value1*value2 - true
093 u128mod int, int a % b value1,value2→value1%value2 double true
094 u128xor int, int a ^ b value1,value2→value1^value2 double true
095 u128inv num !a value→!value - true
096 u256divide num, num devide value value1,value2→value1/value2 - true
097 u256mul num, num multiply value value1,value2→value1*value2 - true
098 u256mod int, int a % b value1,value2→value1%value2 double true
099 u256xor int, int a ^ b value1,value2→value1^value2 double true
100 u256inv num !a value→!value - true
101 u256lshift int, int a << val value1,value2→value1<<value2 second parameter < int32 max value true
102 dinv num !a value→!value - true
103 ddivide num, num devide value value1,value2→value1/value2 - true
104 dmul num, num multiply value value1,value2→value1*value2 - true
105 u64or num a || b value1,value2→value1||value2 - true
106 u64and int a & b value1,value2→value1&value2 double true
107 u128or num a || b value1,value2→value1||value2 - true
108 u128and int a & b value1,value2→value1&value2 double true
109 u256or num a || b value1,value2→value1||value2 - true
110 u256and int a & b value1,value2→value1&value2 double true
111 dor num a || b value1,value2→value1||value2 - true
112 iinc int, num a + increasing_value(e.g 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 etc). First parameter - is index of local(e.g 1,2,3,4), second - increasing value. In example we're increasing value in local#1 by 4, so if we have in local#1, for example value 6, it'll become 10 after instruction iinc 1 4 [No change] - true
113 i2d num,num convert int to double (two top values from stack) i2d value→result - true
114 i2u64 num,num convert int to uint64 (two top values from stack) i2u64 value→result - true
115 i2u128 num,num convert int to uint128 (two top values from stack) i2u128 value→result - true
116 i2u256 num,num convert int to uint256 (two top values from stack) i2u256 value→result - true
117 d2i num,num convert double to int (two top values from stack) d2i value→result - true
118 d2u64 num,num convert double to uint64 (two top values from stack) d2u64 value→result - true
119 d2u128 num,num convert double to uint128 (two top values from stack) d2u128 value→result - true
120 d2u256 num,num convert double to uint256 (two top values from stack) d2u256 value→result - true
121 u64_2u128 num,num convert uint64 to uint128 (two top values from stack) u64_2u128 value→result - true
122 u64_2u256 num,num convert uint64 to uint256 (two top values from stack) u64_2u256 value→result - true
123 u128_2u256 num,num convert uint128 to uint256 (two top values from stack) u128_2u256 value→result - true
124 u128lshift int, int a << val value1,value2→value1<<value2 second parameter < int32 max value true
125 u64rshift int, int a << val value1,value2→value1<<value2 second parameter < int32 max value true
125 u128rshift int, int a << val value1,value2→value1<<value2 second parameter < int32 max value true
126 u256rshift int, int a << val value1,value2→value1<<value2 second parameter < int32 max value true
127 iconst_5 - - iconst_5 → 5 - true
128 u64const_5 - - u64const_5 → 5 - true
129 u128const_5 - - u128const_5 → 5 - true
130 u256const_5 - - u256const_5 → 5 - true
131 u64inc int,int a + increasing_value(e.g 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 etc). First parameter - is index of local(e.g 1,2,3,4), second - increasing value. In example we're increasing value in local#1 by 4, so if we have in local#1, for example value 6, it'll become 10 after instruction u64inc 1 4 [No change] - true
131 u128inc int,int a + increasing_value(e.g 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 etc). First parameter - is index of local(e.g 1,2,3,4), second - increasing value. In example we're increasing value in local#1 by 4, so if we have in local#1, for example value 6, it'll become 10 after instruction u128inc 1 4 [No change] - true
132 int,int a + increasing_value(e.g 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 etc). First parameter - is index of local(e.g 1,2,3,4), second - increasing value. In example we're increasing value in local#1 by 4, so if we have in local#1, for example value 6, it'll become 10 after instruction u256inc 1 4 [No change] - true

Vm Data Structures

num name sizeof(class name) note
1 i32 40 bytes
2 u64 8 bytes
3 u128 80 bytes
4 u256 96 bytes
5 d64 40 bytes number of decimal places is 4(due c++'s converting from string to double)
6 boolean 40 bytes
7 collection sum of sizes all structures inside
8 str 1 byte * length (ASCII)
9 Object 40 bytes

VM Technical Structures

Num name note
1 UniqueConstantPool Contains functions and values to be loaded(unique for each program).
2 SharedConstatnPool Contains precompiled functions, values(e.g SHA3 in the future, uint256 max value etc)(shared between programs)

Examples of programs for UVM

Test №1

Time: 0 ms

std::string code = R"({"functions": [{"test": [28, 28, 3, 0]}], "values": [{"value":"test","type":0}]})";
UniqueConstantPool uniqueConstantPool = UniqueConstantPool(code);
std::string function = "test";
VM vm = VM(10, code);
boost::json::array test = uniqueConstantPool.loadFunction(function).value();
VM::VMRun(&vm, test);
std::cout << vm.stack.back(); // 2

Test №2

Time: 0 ms

std::string code = R"({"functions": [{"test": [29, 29, 128, 29, 6, 6, 6, 0]}], "values": [{"value":"test","type":0}]})";
UniqueConstantPool uniqueConstantPool = UniqueConstantPool(code);
std::string function = "test";
VM vm = VM(10, code);
boost::json::array test = uniqueConstantPool.loadFunction(function).value();
VM::VMRun(&vm, test);
std::cout << vm.stack.back(); // 40

Test №3

Time: 0 ms

std::string code = R"({"functions": [{"test": [29, 29, 128, 29, 6, 6, 6, 29, 29, 128, 29, 6, 6, 6, 29, 59, 18, 6, 0]}], "values": [{"value":"test","type":0}]})";
UniqueConstantPool uniqueConstantPool = UniqueConstantPool(code);
std::string function = "test";
VM vm = VM(10, code);
boost::json::array test = uniqueConstantPool.loadFunction(function).value();
VM::VMRun(&vm, test);
std::cout << vm.stack.back() << std::endl; // 2
// values on top of stack are not equal(e.g 40, 2)

// if program looks like this
std::string code = R"({"functions": [{"test": [29, 29, 128, 29, 6, 6, 6, 29, 29, 128, 29, 6, 6, 6, 59, 17, 6, 0]}], "values": [{"value":"test","type":0}]})";
UniqueConstantPool uniqueConstantPool = UniqueConstantPool(code);
std::string function = "test";
VM vm = VM(10, code);
boost::json::array test = uniqueConstantPool.loadFunction(function).value();
VM::VMRun(&vm, test);
std::cout << vm.stack.back() << std::endl; // 1600
// values on top of stack are equal(e.g 40, 40)

Test №4

Time: 0 ms

std::string code = R"({"functions": [{"test": [27, 48, 53, 29, 62, 13, 112, 1, 1, 1, 3, 0]}], "values": [{"value":"test","type":0}]})";
UniqueConstantPool uniqueConstantPool = UniqueConstantPool(code);
std::string function = "test";
VM vm = VM(10, code);
boost::json::array test = uniqueConstantPool.loadFunction(function).value();
VM::VMRun(&vm, test);
std::cout << vm.stack.back() << std::endl; // 2
// [27, 48, 53, 29, 62, 13, 112, 1, 1, 1, 3, 0] is equivalent to 
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {}

Tests (without program code examples) UVM

Test #1

In this test was used only two operations: 76(dconst_1) and 80(dadd). Both of them was invoked one million times. First million was dconst_1, second million - dadd.

CPU: Apple M1(arm64) Time: 1556 ms(including all constructors and desctructors)

Memory usage: 43Mb

Test #2

In this test was used only two operations: 28(iconst_1) and 3(iadd). Both of them was invoked one million times. First million was iconst_1, second million - iadd.

CPU: Apple M1(arm64) Time: 1472 ms(including all constructors and desctructors)

Memory usage: 48Mb


  1. values array 2