
ECS Fargate Terraform Module with Appmesh and Cloudmap support

Primary LanguageHCLGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Terraform AWS ECS Fargate Module

The module is developed to quickly implement fargate cluster for appmesh microservices or virtual gateway. Following are the features


  • Appmesh
  • Cloudmap service
  • Virtual Gateway envoy proxy with a load balancer
  • Sidecars supported:
    • envoy proxy
    • aws xray
  • Secret Manager
  • Parameter Store
  • Elastic container registry (ECR)
  • Auto Scaling
  • Cloudwatch Dashboard
  • SSL cert on LB
  • Cloudwatch Dashboard

Security Recommendations

We suggest that you provide KMS keys for ECR and Cloudwatch encryption.


Following example creates fargate cluster for appmesh service

module "test" {
  source            		= "github.com/g31s/ecs-fargate"
  // project variables
  region            		= var.region
  vpc               		= "vpc object"
  env               		= "dev"
  // app variables
  app_name          		= "test"
  app_port          		= "80"
  cloudmap_service  		= "cloudmap service name"
  aws_appmesh_virtual_node 	= "appmesh virtual node name"
  appmesh           		= "appmesh object"

More examples: Examples

Input Variables

Variable Required Default Type Info Example
vpc Y - object - module.vpc from terraform vpc module will be one example
region Y - string - "us-east-1"
env Y - string - "dev"
app_name Y - string - "test"
app_port Y - string - "80"
appmesh Y - object - aws_appmesh_mesh.main
cloudmap_service Y - object - aws_service_discovery_private_dns_namespace.main
fargate_cpu N "1024" string - "2048"
fargate_memory N "2048" string - "4096"
prefix N "EFA" string - "AGT"
app_image N "none" string Default will create ECR "nginx:1.13.9-alpine"
engress_cidr_blocks N vpc.default.cidr_block list(string) egress cidr blocks allowed for app mesh services [""]
container_insights N true bool enable container insights for ecs clusters false
sg_prefixs N [] list(string) vpc endpoint prefixs to be added to sg ["com.amazonaws.us-east-1.s3"]
min_app_count N 1 number - 1
max_app_count N 10 number - 100
log_retention_in_days N 90 number log retention in days 14
ecr_kms_key_arn N "" string KMS keys used to encrypt ECR images aws_kms_key.ecr_kms.key_id
cloudwatch_kms_key_arn N "" string KMS keys used to encrypt cloudwatch logs aws_kms_key.cloudwatch_log_kms.arn
extra_ports N [] list(string) Open extra port in task definition ["443","542"]
enable_cross_zone_load_balancing N false bool Enable cross zone load balancing for lb true
lb_access_logs_s3_bucket N "" string lb_access_log must be enable to provide s3 bucket name to store lb access logs lb-access-log-bucket
secrets N [] list(object) Will add IAM permissions and secrets to task definition [aws_secretsmanager_secret.main.usernamer,aws_secretsmanager_secret.main.password]
parameters N [] list(object) Will add IAM permissions and parameters to task defintion as env variables [aws_ssm_parameter.main.configs]
policy_arn_attachments N [] list(string) can provide addition policies arns to be attached to ecs roles [arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaDynamoDBExecutionRole]
aws_appmesh_virtual_node_arn N "none" string virtual node or virtual gateway must be present aws_appmesh_virtual_node.main.arn
virtual_gateway_arn N "none" string virtual node or virtual gateway must be present aws_appmesh_virtual_gateway.main.arn
envoy_proxy_image N "840364872350.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/aws-appmesh-envoy:v1.22.2.1-prod" string work for all regions except: me-south-1, ap-east-1, and eu-south-1 me-south-1 : "772975370895.dkr.ecr.me-south-1.amazonaws.com/aws-appmesh-envoy:v1.22.0.0-prod"
certificate N false bool make sure to set this to true if providing certificate arn true
certificate_arn N "none" string set certificate on LB aws_acm_certificate.privateCA.arn
nlb_stickiness N false bool enable stickiness for network load balancer true
xray N false bool add xray daemon as sidecar true
tags N {Terraform = "true",Module = "ecs-fargate-appmesh"} map(string) - {name = "test"}

Output Variables



See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 License - see the LICENSE.md file for details