
Tool to automate IVR pentests

Primary LanguagePython


Built with Python & XML as a database.

Screenshots and description: http://payatu.com/automating-ivr-pentesting/

This tool’s main objective is to reduce the time required during an IVR security assessment. This isn’t a full-fledged tool that we planned for but it’s built enough where anybody can extend it further.

For now this tool has only two major functionalities.

Record a call flow

Replay a call flow


For the first time the user needs to record a call flow by manually sending the DTMF tones using the tool. Then, the tool can automatically dial that number and reach to that point by automatically sending the pre-recorded DTMF values. Now the user can easily send different payloads at that point from the tool.



Features to be added in the future version of this tool

Custom Bruteforce attack at any defined point.

SQL Injection payloads

Buffer overflow payloads

Input validation payloads


This is not the full fledged tool that we intended for. The full fledged tool will have all the features listed above. I coded this a year back but could not release it because it was not finished completely and I realised that for a full fledged tool, it’s better to make a GUI or Web version of this tool rather than a command line one. With the command line tool, we cannot have a good control when it comes to combining different attack vectors. We will probably make a full version of this tool with an easy to use graphical interface. Meanwhile, the code could prove helpful for a pentester to reduce the time needed for IVR pentest and it could also prove helpful to those who want to automate the IVR interaction process.