
Get the current build status from Jenkins and Quality Gate Status from Sonar for multiple projects and report them on a blink1 device.

Primary LanguageGo


Get the current build status from Jenkins and Quality Gate Status from Sonar for multiple projects and report them on a blink1 device.

All status can be placed to 'slots'. Slots are gone through iteratively with a fixed duration per slot. Status from jobs can be assigned to an available LED of the blink1 devices that are attached.


This project depends on https://github.com/hink/go-blink1/ which makes use of libusb to access the blink1 device. libusb is available for many Platforms including Linux, Mac and Windows.

You need to install following dependencies first:

  • libusb
  • Go >= 1.9


For Linux, you will need to add a udev rule if you want to execute the binary without root permissions. On Arch Linux, it would look like this:

cat /etc/udev/rules.d/10.blink1.rules 
SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="27b8", ATTRS{idProduct}=="01ed", SYMLINK+="blink1", GROUP="wheel"


In theory, it should also work with Windows, if libusb is installed. I have never tested this, though...


Download and install to GOPATH:

go get github.com/g3force/qaBlink

It will produce a qaBlink executable in $GOPATH/bin. The executable assumes a config.json file in the current working directory or a .qaBlink.json in your HOME dir.


Copy example.config.json to config.json and adapt it to your needs. You can define multiple Jenkins and Sonar connections and jobs and assign them to slots.