
A RESTful web server built by Node.js that implements a cache system

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The application is a Node.js server that exposes REST API to interact with a MongoDB database and implements a cache system layer.

How to run

system requirements

  • Node.js version 6.11.12 or higher;
  • a MongoDB instance running, version 2.6.10 or higher;

install redis-server on your system

for debian systems:

apt-get install redis-server

run redis server

sudo redis-server

keep the batch process running in the shell

install the dependencies

open a shell go to the project root folder and type the command:

npm install

start the server

in the root project folder type:

npm start

API Documentation

  • [GET] localhost:3000/data (get all data);
  • [GET] localhost:3000/data/<key> (get a value in cache or update data and return a random string);
  • [POST] localhost:3000/data , body: {key:<key>, value:<value>} (save or update a key value pair);
  • [DELETE] localhost:3000/remove (remove all data);
  • [DELETE] localhost:3000/remove/<key> (remove a value for a certain key);


The code is just an example that shows how to implement a cache system with a Node.js server. For a real application consider to:

  • implement an ORM such as Mongoose;
  • split the config file for different environments (local, development, staging, production);
  • split the code in the serve.js entry point putting the routes handlers in a separate file;
  • write unit tests;
  • configure the cache system;