
newLISP mirror repository (unofficial)

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newLISP mirror

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newLISP with Git(Hub)

NOTE: This repository is unofficial mirror.

This is newLISP experimental repository introduced DVCS (Distributed Version Control System) by using Git. All source files are fetch from SourceForge. Mainly available to easy browsing source code, view history, create a patch, etc.

The final goal is newLISP development introduces DVCS (Git, Mercurial, etc) in official.


  • master : mirror from original newlisp sources
  • develop : master files and README.md, .travis.yml, appveyor.yml (default branch)
  • feature/xxx : (reserved)



Issue and pull requests about this repository are welcome.

For code contributions, bug fixes, reports and comments, please contact Lutz Mueller (see README) or post to the Forum.



newLISP and Nuevatec are trademarks of Lutz Mueller. All files are distribute by GPLv3. For more details, see doc/COPYING and doc/License.html.