
Package used to build ESRI Web App Builder Apps for production.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

NPM version NPM total download dependencies styled with prettier


Package used to build ESRI Web App Builder Apps for production.

Verified and designed for 2D Apps built using Web App Builder for Developers 2.3 or 2.4.

This task runs a full dojo build on any web app builder application, which will greatly improve performance.

Based largely around the scripts built by Junshan Liu (@qlqllu) at https://geonet.esri.com/docs/DOC-7934


  • Bower (validated with 1.8.0) installation : npm install -g bower
  • Nodejs (validated with 6.9.4)
  • Java 7 or greater
  • Git

Install and run globaly:

  1. npm install -g esri-wab-build
  2. navigate to the application to be built
  3. esri-wab-build

Install and run localy:

  1. navigate to the application to be built
  2. npm install esri-wab-build --save
  3. node esri-wab-build/app/build

The build output will be located in buildOut\app and compressed in buildOut\app.zip