
Syslog sidecar for NATS

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

syslog2nats Go

Receives syslog messages and publishs them to NATS

syslog2nats is based on

syslog2nats consists of:

  • syslog server - common part for all syslogsidecar based processes
  • NATS specific plugins

Syslog server

Supported RFCs:

RFC3164 message consists of following symbolic parts:

  • priority
  • facility
  • severity
  • timestamp
  • hostname
  • tag
  • content


RFC5424 message consists of following symbolic parts:

  • priority
  • facility
  • severity
  • timestamp
  • hostname
  • version
  • app_name
  • proc_id
  • msg_id
  • structured_data
  • message

Non-RFC parts

syslogsidecar adds rfc of produced message:

  • Part name: "rfc"
  • Values: "RFC3164"|"RFC5424"

Badly formatted messages

syslogsidecar creates only one part for badly formatted message - former syslog message:

  • Part name: "data"


Valid severity levels and names are:
  • 0 emerg
  • 1 alert
  • 2 crit
  • 3 err
  • 4 warning
  • 5 notice
  • 6 info
  • 7 debug

syslogsidecar filters messages by level according to value in configuration, e.g. for:


all messages with severity above 4 will be discarded.


Configuration of syslog server part of syslogsidecar is saved in the file syslogreceiver.json:

    "ADDRTCP": "",
    "ADDRUDP": "",
    "UDSPATH": "",
    "ADDRTCPTLS": "",
    "CLIENT_KEY_PATH ": "",
    "ROOT_CA_PATH": ""



NATS plugins to syslogsidecar:


Configuration file: connector.json

    "CONN_URL": "nats://"

The rest of connection options are default.

Connector creates sharable nats.Conn for:

  • periodic validation of connectivity with memphis
  • using by producer (production) and consumer (e2e test)

More about connector and underlying software - sputnik


Configuration file: syslogproducer.json

    "STREAM": "syslog"

Producer uses received from connector nats.Conn. It created JETSTREAM with name from configuration, the rest of stream options are default.

syslog messages are produced to jetstream as Header with empty payload:

    msg := &nats.Msg{
		Subject: name,
		Header:  make(nats.Header),

	putToheader := func(name string, value string) error {
		msg.Header.Add(name, value)
		return nil

	syslogsidecar.Unpack(inmsg, putToheader)

see also Advanced configuration and helper functions for producer

Build and run under vscode

go clean -cache -testcache
go build ./cmd/syslog2nats/
./syslog2nats --cf ./cmd/syslog2nats/conf/

e2e test


  • send 1000000 syslog messages
    • TCP/IP
    • RFC5424
  • receive
  • produce
  • consume
  • compare

Build and run under vscode:

go clean -cache -testcache
go build ./cmd/syslog-e2e/

nats server runs as as part of syslog-e2e process.

Embedding configuration files

syslog-e2e uses embedded configuration files:

import (

//go:embed conf
var embconf embed.FS

func main() {
	cleanUp, _ := sidecar.UseEmbeddedConfiguration(&embconf)
	defer cleanUp()

For this case content of conf subfolder embedded within process. No needs for "--cf" flag in command line.

Any value in configuration file may be overridden using environment variables