
In this repository, uploading my progress with the course Web Programming CS50's

Primary LanguageHTML

CS50's Web Programming Harvard

In this repository I will share my progress of the Harvard CS50's, Python and Javascript web programming course.

My name is Gabriel Jiménez, self-taught student of web development, and computer science, I am passionate about software development, I share this repository to take notes of my course.

Table of Contents

Git - Version control

  • Keep track of changes to code.
  • Syncrhonizes code between different people.

Git is also very good at letting you test your code without losing your original copy.


Github is just a website whose purpose in life is to store Git repositories on the internet.

  • git clone "url"

By the url of that Github repository, that remote version of your code, will be downloaded onto your computer so that you have a copy of the repository on your own computer.

  • git init

  • git status

Is a simple command that effectively just tells you what's currently going on in your repository.

If you forget whether you've made new commits since the last time you checked from Github, if you forget whether you've made new changes that you haven't committed yet, git status is an easy way to just run git status and see the current status of that's going on inside of your repository.s

  • git add .

And the git add command basically means we're going to take some number of files, one or more files that we've changed and tell Git that these are files that we want to include the next time we make a commit, to the next time that we save we want to include the next time we make a commit, to the next time that we save a version or a snapshot of the current repository.

  • git commit -m "my first commit"

Commit it just fancy way of saying take a snapshot of the repository in the current moment and save it.

When you run git commit dash followed by a short description of what you've done, what that'll do is have Git save a new version or a new snapshot of your repository in that moment keeping track

  • git push

That's called a push, where we push our code from our local computer to the repository that's stored somewhere on the internet.

And so when we run git push, that causes those changes.

Next up is sort of the inverse of that.

  • git pull

What if someone else has been working on your repository. Has made changes to it, and pushed those to github?

And now you want to dowload the latest version of that repository.

You want to dowload the latest changes down onto your computer locally to take a look at it.

How would you go about doing that? That's by a different command called git pull.

When you run git pull, if ther eare other changes that have happened on the remote server, notice that here locally I've made on change, but someone else on Github for instance has pushed some second change that's been made to the code.

First project with Harvard


Copy this steps becouse i need practice my write english, and sharing my progress.

Testing git brach

Important Merge Conflicts

If you make a change in your code, and the other partnert change the same file, in the master branch, you had a Merge clonflicts.

git log does is effectively just show you a history of all of the commits that you've made.

git log in the console, you'll see a list of all the different commits that have been made.

And then one other command that's usefl to know is git reset.


What is HTML This a language via which we're going to be layng out the structure of a web page such that when a user opens up in their web browser.


<h1>Hello, world!</h1>


<!DOCTYPE html>

The first line just goes mean somenthing along the lines of HTML he come in a number of different version.

It's had a bunch of different standards where people specify, here's what's included in this version of HTML and this new version of HTML.

So that first telling the web browser that this web page is written using HTML5.


Those are these keywords that begin with an angle bracket and end with an angled bracket.


And if you take a look we've divided that content to the website into two parts.

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset-utf8>
        <title> Hello in HTML </title>
        <h1>Welcome a my website</h1>

What is tag HEAD

The head of the website is usually used for a metada, information about the page that doesn't really appear in the main contents of the page, but is used to give the browser important information about how to go about displayng that page or other important information about it.

What is body tag

Body tag is all content show in you website, for example a paragraph or image.

Remember How we use HTML tags to define the structure of our page.

Identation in programming

The identation will allow can often be easy when another human is reading your code.


<h1>This is the largest headline</h1>
<h2>This is also a large headline</h2>
<h3>This is a slightly smaller headline</h3>
<h4>This is an even smaller headline</h4>
<h5>This is the second-smallest headline</h5>
<h6>This is the smallest headline</h6>

Important Theses tags no use for size for you text in you website.

List in HTML

Unordered list and ordered list.


   <!-- OR -->  

img in HTML

The tag <img /> it's different to others tags in HTML, yes, the reasoning for that is that not all of the HTML tags require a beginnig tag and an end tag astart and an end because some things like images, it doesn't relly make sense to say, OK start the image and end the image and what goes in the middle.

Important The HTML attribute.

We can poviding additional information to this tag.

For example:

<img src="img.png" height="200px" width="300px" />

With attribute we can change this tag, for example the width and height, and other attributes like style="", we can change the style in html tag.

Table in HTML

We will have tables of data with rows and columns and we want to display that data to the user.

So what we have here is a table that represnets US presedints.

        <th>First Name</th>
        <th>Last Name</th>

th tag is table header tr tag is table row td tag is table data

Forms in html

    <input type="text" placeholder="Full Name" name="name">

You have tag input, and attributte type this attributte you can indicar que tipo de datos les estarás enviando a tu server.

Document Object Model

One helpful way to think about HTML as we think about designig our HTML websites is thinking about them like tree structure.

If you're unfamiliar with tree structures, effectively think of them as a combination of nodes where nodes are just points within this tree that are connected to other nodes.

So in this example, you can look a simple website:

<!DOCTYPE html>
            <title>Document Object Model</title>

            <h1>Hello, world!</h1>


And as we'll see in just a moment we can use this tree in uderstanding what's contained withing what to begin to style our web pages.

And styling our web pages is going to be the precess of taking what so far has just been websites that have a white background and black text on it and maybe images and other thins as well, and stating to add some of our own custom styles to it in order to make it look a little bit nicer to the user.


Cascading style sheets which is a different language altogether, and we can use to interact with HTML in order to style the HTML in order to chage the way the HTML looks according to rules that we set in order to add color to our web pages, for example or add spacing in places where we want spacing or add borders to things or add a background to things, for instance.

First step

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">

You need create file called style.css

Your first steps with css

        background-color: pink;
        color: white;