Warning This repository is a read-only mirror of https://bitbucket.org/jairhul/pyg4ometry, cloned on 05/08/2023, 18:50 CET. It is stored here for software preservation purposes. Do not use. The development of pyg4ometry has moved to https://github.com/g4edge/pyg4ometry.
pyg4ometry Copyright (c) Royal Holloway, University of London 2015 - 2023
Stewart Boogert stewart.boogert@rhul.ac.uk (main contact)
Andrey Abramov andrey.abramov.2012@live.rhul.ac.uk
Laurie Nevay laurie.nevay@rhul.ac.uk
Will Shields william.shields.2010@live.rhul.ac.uk
Stuart Walker Stuart.Walker.2011@live.rhul.ac.uk
- Required libraries VTK, CGAL, pybind11, opencascade
- Optional libraries ROOT, USD
- Install from pypi (pip install pyg4ometry)
- Install from source (git clone https://stewartboogert@bitbucket.org/jairhul/pyg4ometry.git; cd pyg4ometry; make install or make develop)
- Mac ports deps (cgal5, opencascade, boost, cmake, python3X)
- Mac brew deps (cgal, opencascade, cmake, python3X)
- Ubuntu deps (cgal, opencascade (V7_5_1) from source and patched, cmake, python3X)
Build the docker container
- cd pyg4ometry/docker/
- docker build --build-arg PYG4OMETRY_VER=0 -t centos-pyg4ometry -f Dockerfile-centos-pyg4ometry .
If the pyg4ometry git
repository has changed change the value of PYG4OMETRY_VER variable
as this will for a clone and install
Run an image (here is my script for Mac and Docker Desktop)
- export ip=
(ifconfig en0 | grep inet | awk '$1 == "inet" {print $2}')
- xhost +$ip
- docker run -ti -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -v /Users/sboogert/Physics:/tmp/Physics -e DISPLAY=$ip:0 centos-bdsim
Main online manual can be found at http://www.pp.rhul.ac.uk/bdsim/pyg4ometry/
To build manual within this repository:
- cd pyg4ometry/docs/
- make html
- open build/html/index.html
- For bug reports please use the bitbucket issue trackers
- It pyg4ometry has been useful for your work, please in the first instance cite Computer Physics Communications Volume 272, March 2022, 108228