Anytone D868UV Radios
MHFlexer opened this issue · 8 comments
I am a FW beta teaser for Anytone Radio. I am a volunteer and not part of their company. I have been working with Andy CA6JAU on some MMDVM connection issues and he recommended I do this issue request.
Sending DMR-APRS data to BM TG 310999 over my MMDVM Duplex Hotspot while connected to DMR Gateway in the Pi-Star Configuration, my packet data does not get passed to
If I bypass DMR Gateway and connect directly to a BM Master Server (US 3101, 02, 03 or 08) the APRS data goes through BM and is passed to correctly.
Is there a way you can check this as to why the packet data does not go through when connected to DMR Gateway.
Thanks fo your consideration and hopefully your reply,
Duane Reese
This has nothing to do with ircDDBGateway which is for Dstar connectivity
I have d878uv and running dmrgateway with aprs into bramdmeister. It took a while but finally got the rewrite rules right to make it work.
I have d878uv and running dmrgateway with aprs into bramdmeister. It took a while but finally got the rewrite rules right to make it work.
Hi Phil,
Can you expand on this for me. Is this a change to the Gateway rules that you are referencing?
Geoffrey F4FXL responded earlier it was not a Gateway issue, but your reply seems to say some rules were corrected.
Thanks in advance,