
Media types (MIME types) RFC6838

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

MIME is a java library without dependencies for parsing and creating HTTP media-type objects, according to RFC6838 specifications.

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MIME type has mandatory type and subtype, e.g. application/json has application type and json subtype. Some MIME types has additional parameters, e.g. text/plain; encoding=utf-8 has encoding param with utf-8 value.

For all these entities there are related method exist. To construct MIME parser uses MimeType.of function:

var mime = MimeType.of("text/xml; encoding=utf-8");
var type = mime.type(); // "text"
var subtype = mime.subtype(); // "xml"
var encoding = mime.param("encoding"); // "utf-8"

To parse multi-value mime-type strings (like Accept header value), use MimeType.parse(String) method, it pays attention to qualifier of each value and sorts mime types using this qualifier. Example:

MimeType.parse("text/html;q=0.6, application/xml;q=0.9, image/bmp;q=0.3,image/bmp;q=0.5, text/html, multipart/mixed, text/json;q=0.4")

returns a lits of:

  1. multipart/mixed
  2. text/html
  3. application/xml
  4. image/bmp
  5. text/json


Hamcrest matchers are included in test package. Them can be used to verify mime-types:

// verify type
    new HmMimeHasType("application")

// verify subtype
    new HmMimeHasSubType("bmp")

// verify parameter
    MimeType.of("image/bmp; charset=utf-8"),
    new HmMimeHasParameter("charset", "utf-8")


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