
Host Assessment Toolkit (HAT) is a semi-automated script file that collect system configuration value listed in CIS recommended benchmark.

Primary LanguageBatchfile


Host Assessment Toolkit (HAT) is a semi-automated script file that collect system configuration value listed in CIS recommended benchmark.

Supported System

  1. Windows (use Scgary)
  2. CentOS


Windows Security Policy

secpol.msc = Local Security Policy

  • Can export
  • gpupdate /force

gpedit.msc = Local Group Policy

  • Event Log service Policy (Can't Export)

Inventory of Windows information for System Hardening

Inventory BAT PowerShell
User Account wmic useraccount gwmi -Class Win32_UserAccount
Services wmic service gsv | where {$_.Status -like "run*"}
Software wmic product gwmi -Class Win32_Product; gwmi -Class Cim_Product

Information about each service on the system

reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services" /s


Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -Filter IPEnabled=TRUE -ComputerName . | Select-Object -Property [a-z]* -ExcludeProperty IPX*,WINS*