
Sharable interactive report for displaying WCAG performance reports generated by G5's Accessibility tools.

Primary LanguageVue


A front-end for Client facing WCAG reporting.

The WCAG reports are generated by a separate application using Puppeteer and Axe-Core from Deque.


# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
npm run dev

For detailed explanation on how things work, check out Nuxt.js docs.

This app also uses dotenv files. Use the .env.template file for a list of required environment variables, then save them with their values in a .env file.


Deployments for the Audit Service are managed by Helm and deployed using npm run deploy.

Make sure to run the command from the root of the project. Make sure you are on the branch and commit that you want to deploy. Make sure you set the kubectl context you want to deploy to.

You can override some of these settings using the shell script directly.

./upgrade.sh -t <tag> -d <deployment> -p <project>

-t    <tag> is the branch-sha combo tagged to the docker image in Codefresh. Ex. ci-plan-87432e
-d    <deployment> is the name of the app you are deploying. Default is "cas".
-p    <project> is the project name, aka the context, you are deploying to. Ex. opex-staging-b877

Any inadvertant deploys can be reversed by running helm rollback accessibility.