Generate histogram data and put it in a da00 flatbuffer

Currently only generates one flatbuffer and reports on its size.

This is intended for integration into, e.g., event-formation-unit to test whether da00 might be a suitable flatbuffer scheme for, e.g., histogrammed beam monitor data.

You must have the da00 flatbuffer schema specification, most easily obtained by cloning the streaming-data-types PR branch after which CMake can be configured to compile the flatbuffer header by specifying, e.g.,

$ cmake -S /home/.../flatbuffer-histogram-generator -B build -DSTREAMING_DATA_TYPES="/home/.../streaming-data-types"


At present, only the target histogram_generator is defined. After configuring with CMake as above:

$ cmake --build build
$ build/histogram_generator
Now we could send a flatbuffer with 1143256 bytes to topic some topic