
Duct module for developing and compiling ClojureScript with shadow-cljs

Primary LanguageClojure

Duct module.shadow-cljs

Clojars Project

A Duct module for compiling and dynamically reloading ClojureScript files using shadow-cljs.


To install, add the following to your project :dependencies:

[g7s/module.shadow-cljs "0.1.2"]


This library provides the :duct.module/shadow-cljs key, and accepts the same options as shadow-cljs as well as an (optional) :logger top-level key that is a :duct/logger that will be used to log information about your builds in development.

Additionally it defines two other keys namely :duct.server/shadow-cljs and :duct.compiler/shadow-cljs.


The server key :duct.server/shadow-cljs is used to start a shadow-cljs server for use in the development phase of your project. If you want to make changes in the main :duct.module/shadow-cljs you should use this key in your development profile configuration.


The compiler key inherits from :duct/compiler and it is used only when compiling your code for a release. If you want to make changes in the main :duct.module/shadow-cljs you should use this key in your production profile configuration.


Example module configuration:

  {:target     :browser
   :output-dir "target/resources/my/app/web/public/js"
   :asset-path "/js"
   :devtools   {:watch-dir      "resources/my/app/web/public"
                :watch-options  {:verbose   true
                                 :autobuild true}
                :browser-inject :common}
   {:base {:entries [cljs.core]}

    :common {:entries    [my.app.utils]
             :depends-on #{:base}}

    :mod {:entries    [my.app.mod]
          :depends-on #{:common}}

    :mod-worker {:entries    [my.app.mod.worker]
                 :depends-on #{:base}
                 :web-worker true}

    :pages {:entries    [my.app.pages]
            :depends-on #{:common}}}}}}

Override in development profile:

{:logger           #ig/ref :duct/logger
 :compiler-options {:output-feature-set :es5}
  {:closure-defines {goog.DEBUG true}
   :devtools        {:preloads [devtools.preload]}}}}


Copyright © 2020 Gerasimos

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.