
Access to OS libraries (e.g. the cryptography library) from YottaDB code.

Primary LanguageCApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Access to OS libraries (e.g. the cryptography library) from YottaDB code.

Chris Munt cmunt@mgateway.com
23 June 2023, MGateway Ltd http://www.mgateway.com

  • Current Release: Version: 1.3; Revision 7.
  • Release Notes can be found at the end of this document.



The YottaDB Process Window (mg_pwind) library is an Open Source solution to provide easy access to functionality contained in external shared libraries.

The mg_pwind library provides access to the cryptographic functions commonly used in web application development. To provide this functionality, mg_pwind makes use of the OpenSSL cryptography library: libcrypto.so.

Also included are functions to access data and functionality held in InterSystems databases.


The OpenSSL libraries:


These libraries are pre-installed on most Linux systems. In order to build mg_pwind.so the OpenSSL development files will need to be installed. For example:

   apt-get install libssl-dev

Installing mg_pwind

Working in the /src directory of the distribution, edit the following two files to reflect the layout of your YottaDB installation. The instructions given here assume a standard 'out of the box' installation of YottaDB (version 1.30) deployed in the following location:


Assuming that you will install mg_pwind in this directory, first edit the following line in Makefile to reflect this installation location:


Now edit the top line of the YottaDB interface file mg_pwind.xc to give the full name and path to the mg_pwind.so library:


Finally, build and install the mg_pwind library:

   make install

You should now see the mg_pwind library and its associated interface file installed in the YottaDB directory:


Before invoking mg\pwind functions the following environment variable (ydb_xc_pwind) must be set before starting YottaDB processes:

   export ydb_xc_pwind=/usr/local/lib/yottadb/r130/mg_pwind.xc

Of course, modify the path to suit your own installation.

When calling mg_pwind functions be sure to pass output variables by reference (i.e. preceded by a period character).

Get the version of the mg_pwind library

   set status=$&pwind.version(.<version>)


   set status=$&pwind.version(.vers)
   write !,"version: ",vers

Get the last error message

Some of the mg_pwind functions will return an error variable. Success of the operation is indicated by this variable being returned as an empty string (""). All functions will return a status code which will be returned as zero if the function completes successfully. If the function call is not successful then a non-zero status code will be returned, a M exception will be thrown and the corresponding error message may be retrieved by the error function.

   set status=$&pwind.error(.<error>)


         new $ztrap set $ztrap="zgoto "_$zlevel_":error"
         set status=$&pwind.sslversion(.vers)
         write !,"SSL version: ",vers
   error ; error
         set status=$&pwind.error(.error)
         write !,"error: ",error

Some functions in this section include a mode flag. Set this flag as follows:

  • mode=0: The default. Return the raw hash or HMAC value.
  • mode=1: Return the hash or HMAC value as B64 encoded.
  • mode=2: Return the hash or HMAC value as a string of HEX values.

Specifying the location of the OpenSSL libraries

It will not be necessary to use this function for most systems as the libcrypto.so library is usually readily available from the OS known directories for shared libraries. However, if you need to specify an alternative location for the libcrypto.so library then use this function to specify the name and full path.

   set status=$&pwind.cryptlibrary(<cryptlibrary>)


   set status=$&pwind.cryptlibrary("/unusual/location/libcrypto.so")

Get the version of the OpenSSL libraries

   set status=$&pwind.sslversion(.<version>)


   set status=$&pwind.sslversion(.vers)
   write !,"SSL version: ",vers

Generate SHA1 hash

   set status=$&pwind.sha1(<data>, <mode>, .<hash>)


   set status=$&pwind.sha1("my data",2,.hash)
   write !,"SHA1 hash: ",hash

Generate SHA256 hash

   set status=$&pwind.sha256(<data>, <mode>, .<hash>)


   set status=$&pwind.sha256("my data",2,.hash)
   write !,"SHA256 hash: ",hash

Generate SHA512 hash

   set status=$&pwind.sha512(<data>, <mode>, .<hash>)


   set status=$&pwind.sha512("my data",2,.hash)
   write !,"SHA512 hash: ",hash

Generate MD5 hash

   set status=$&pwind.md5(<data>, <mode>, .<hash>)


   set status=$&pwind.md5("my data",2,.hash)
   write !,"MD5 hash: ",hash

Generate SHA1 HMAC

   set status=$&pwind.hmacsha1(<key>, <data>, <mode>, .<hmac>)


   set status=$&pwind.hmacsha1("my key","my data",2,.hmac)
   write !,"SHA1 HMAC: ",hmac

Generate SHA256 HMAC

   set status=$&pwind.hmacsha256(<key>, <data>, <mode>, .<hmac>)


   set status=$&pwind.hmacsha256("my key","my data",2,.hmac)
   write !,"SHA256 HMAC: ",hmac

Generate SHA512 HMAC

   set status=$&pwind.hmacsha512(<key>, <data>, <mode>, .<hmac>)


   set status=$&pwind.hmacsha512("my key","my data",2,.hmac)
   write !,"SHA512 HMAC: ",hmac

Generate MD5 HMAC

   set status=$&pwind.hmacmd5(<key>, <data>, <mode>, .<hmac>)


   set status=$&pwind.hmacmd5("my key","my data",2,.hmac)
   write !,"MD5 HMAC: ",hmac

B64 encode

   set status=$&pwind.encodeb64(<data>, .<b64>)


   set status=$&pwind.encodeb64("my data",.b64)
   write !,"B64 encode: ",b64

B64 decode

   set status=$&pwind.decodeb64(<b64>, .<data>)


   set status=$&pwind.decodeb64(b64,.data)
   write !,"B64 decode: ",data

Generate CRC32 checksum

   set status=$&pwind.crc32(<data>, .<crc32>)


   set status=$&pwind.crc32("my data",.crc32)
   write !,"CRC32: ",crc32

Wait for a signal (from another process) or a time-out event:

   set status=$&pwind.signalwait(.<result>,<timeout>)

timeout is specified in milliseconds. When this function returns (as a result of time-out or receiving a wake-up signal from another process), return will be set to 0 for time-out, 1 for wake-up signal received and a value of -1 indicates an error condition.

Send an interrupt signal to another process:

   set status=$&pwind.signal(<process_id>)

process_id is the $Job value of the process to wake up (i.e. the process blocking on a pwind.signalwait() call.

This section describes an experimental approach to accessing data held in InterSystems databases (Cache, Ensemble and IRIS). Two connectivity modes are supported:

  • High-performance in-process access to a local InterSystems database using the Cache/IRIS API.
  • Network based access to a local or remote InterSystems databases via the network.

The functions described in this section will allow YottaDB programs to send updates to, and receive data from, InterSystems databases. They will also allow YottaDB programs to access the advanced facilities provided by the InterSystems databases and development environments.

Opening a connecting to the database

   set status=$&pwind.dbopen(<dbtype>, <path>, <host>, <port>, <username>, <password>, <namespace>)
  • dbtype should be set to either Cache or IRIS as appropriate.
  • For API-based connectivity, specify the path and leave host and port empty.
  • For Network-based connectivity, leave the path empty and specify the host and port on which the %zmgsi superserver is listening.

Example using the API:

   set status=$&pwind.dbopen("Cache","/opt/cache20181/mgr","","","_SYSTEM","SYS","USER")

Example using the network:

   set status=$&pwind.dbopen("Cache","","localhost",7041,"_SYSTEM","SYS","USER")

Closing a connecting to the database

   set status=$&pwind.dbclose()


   set status=$&pwind.dbclose()

Set a global record

   set status=$&pwind.dbset(<data>, <global>, <key ...>)


   set status=$&pwind.dbset("my data record", "^MyGlobal", "my key")

This is equivalent to:

   set ^MyGlobal("my key")="my data record"

Get a global record

   set status=$&pwind.dbget(.<data>, <global>, <key ...>)


   set status=$&pwind.dbget(.data, "^MyGlobal", "my key")

This is equivalent to:

   set data=$get(^MyGlobal("my key"))

Delete a global record

   set status=$&pwind.dbkill(<global>, <key ...>)


   set status=$&pwind.dbkill("^MyGlobal", "my key")

This is equivalent to:

   kill ^MyGlobal("my key")

Get next global key record

   set status=$&pwind.dborder(.<nkey>, <global>, <key ...>)


   set status=$&pwind.dborder(.nkey, "^MyGlobal", "")

This is equivalent to:

   set nkey=$order(^MyGlobal(""))

Get next global key record and associated data

   set status=$&pwind.dborderdata(.<nkey>, .<data>, <global>, <key ...>)


   set status=$&pwind.dborderdata(.nkey,.data,"^MyGlobal", "")

This is equivalent to:

   set data="",nkey=$order(^MyGlobal("")) if nkey'="" set data=$get(^MyGlobal(nkey))

Get previous global key record

   set status=$&pwind.dbprevious(.<pkey>, <global>, <key ...>)


   set status=$&pwind.dbprevious(.pkey, "^MyGlobal", "")

This is equivalent to:

   set pkey=$order(^MyGlobal(""),-1)

Get previous global key record and associated data

   set status=$&pwind.dbpreviousdata(.<nkey>, .<data>, <global>, <key ...>)


   set status=$&pwind.dbpreviousdata(.nkey,.data,"^MyGlobal", "")

This is equivalent to:

   set data="",nkey=$order(^MyGlobal(""),-1) if nkey'="" set data=$get(^MyGlobal(nkey))

Increment and return the value of a global node

   set status=$&pwind.dbincrement(.<result>, <increment>, <global>, <key ...>)


   set status=$&pwind.dbincrement(.result,0.5,"^MyGlobal", 1)

This is equivalent to:

   set result=$increment(^MyGlobal(1),0.5)

Lock a global node

   set status=$&pwind.dblock(.<result>, <timeout>, <global>, <key ...>)
  • The time-out value should be specified in seconds. Set to -1 for no time-out.
  • result is set to 1 to indicate success or 0 for time-out.


   set status=$&pwind.dblock(.result,-1,"^MyGlobal", 1)

This is equivalent to:

   Lock +^MyGlobal(1)

Unlock a global node

   set status=$&pwind.dbunlock(<global>, <key ...>)


   set status=$&pwind.undblock("^MyGlobal", 1)

This is equivalent to:

   Lock -^MyGlobal(1)

Invoke an InterSystems function

   set status=$&pwind.dbfunction(.<result>, <function>, <arguments ...>)


   set status=$&pwind.dbfunction(.result, "function^MyRoutine", "a", "b")

This is equivalent to:

   set result=$$function^MyRoutine("a","b")

A complete but simple example

   ; Open a new connection to a local Cache database
   set status=$&pwind.dbopen("Cache","/opt/cache20181/mgr","","","_SYSTEM","SYS","USER")
   ; Kill a global
   set status=$&pwind.dbkill("^MyGlobal")
   ; Set up some new records
   for n=1:1:10 set status=$&pwind.dbset("record "_n_" ("_$zh_")","^MyGlobal",n)
   ; Now read them all back (in order)
   set key="" for  set status=$&pwind.dborder(.key,"^MyGlobal",key) quit:key=""  set status=$&pwind.dbget(.data,"^MyGlobal",key) write !,key," = ",data
   ; Read them all back (in reverse order)
   set key="" for  set status=$&pwind.dbprevious(.key,"^MyGlobal",key) quit:key=""  set status=$&pwind.dbget(.data,"^MyGlobal",key) write !,key," = ",data
   ; close the database connection
   set status=$&pwind.dbclose()

To illustrate these methods, the following simple class will be used:

   Class User.customer Extends %Persistent
      Property number As %Integer;
      Property name As %String;
      ClassMethod MyClassMethod(x As %Integer) As %Integer
         // do some work
         Quit result
      Method MyMethod(x As %Integer) As %Integer
         // do some work
         Quit result

Invoke a ClassMethod

   set status=$&pwind.dbclassmethod(.<result>, <class_name>, <method_name>, <arguments ...>)


   set status=$&pwind.dbclassmethod(.result,"User.customer","MyClassMethod",3)

Open a specific instance of a Class

Example (using instance/record #1):

   set status=$&pwind.dbclassmethod(.oref,"User.customer","%OpenId", 1)

Get a property

   set status=$&pwind.dbgetproperty(.<data>, <object_reference>, <property_name>)


   set status=$&pwind.dbgetproperty(.name,oref,"name")

Set a property

   set status=$&pwind.dbsetproperty(<data>, <object_reference>, <property_name>)


   set status=$&pwind.dbsetproperty(name,oref,"name")

Invoke a Method

   set status=$&pwind.dbmethod(.<result>, <object_reference>, <method_name>), <arguments ...>)


   set status=$&pwind.dbmethod(.result,oref,"MyMethod",3)

Close an instance

   set status=$&pwind.dbcloseinstance(<object_reference>)


   set status=$&pwind.dbcloseinstance(oref)

Start a Transaction

   set status=$&pwind.dbtstart()

This is equivalent to:


Return the Transaction Level

   set status=$&pwind.dbtlevel(.<tlevel>)


   set status=$&pwind.dbtlevel(.tlevel)

This is equivalent to:

   set tlevel=$TLevel

Commit a Transaction

   set status=$&pwind.dbtcommit()

This is equivalent to:


Rollback a Transaction

   set status=$&pwind.dbtrollback()

This is equivalent to:


The maximum string length for InterSystems DB Servers is usually 3,641,144 Bytes whereas for YottaDB it is currently 1,048,576 Bytes. The scheme described in this section will allow mg_pwind functions to retrieve (and set) strings up to the maximum size permitted by InterSystems.

Retrieve an oversize string

   set status=$&pwind.dbgetstring(.<data>, <index>, .<chunk_no>)
  • data is the next chunk of string data.
  • index is the index number for the string. By convention this is -1 for data returned from a mg_pwind function. When a function returns two data items (e.g. dborderdata) then the second data item will have an index of -2. The default value for this parameter is -1.
  • chunk_no is the data chunk number.

After the last chunk is returned, subsequent calls to dbgetstring will return an empty string. The dbgetstring function relates only to the previous mg_pwind retrieval operation.

Example (retrieve a large string):

   set rc=$&pwind.dbget(.data,"^MyGlobal","very long string")
   set dataarray(1)=data
   for n=2:1 s rc=$&pwind.dbgetstring(.data) q:data=""  set dataarray(n)=data

Set an oversize string

   set status=$&pwind.dbsetstring(<data>, <index>, .<chunk_no>)
  • data is the next chunk of string data.
  • index is the index number for the string. By convention this is 0 for data and 1->n for global subscripts or arguments to functions.
  • chunk_no is the data chunk number.

The dbsetstring function relates only to the next mg_pwind update operation.

Example (set a large string):

   for n=1:1 quit:'$data(dataarray(n))  s rc=$&pwind.dbsetstring(dataarray(n),0)
   set rc=$&pwind.dbset("","^MyGlobal","very long string")

Example (set a large string as the first argument to a function):

   for n=1:1 quit:'$data(dataarray(n))  s rc=$&pwind.dbsetstring(dataarray(n),1)
   set rc=$&pwind.dbfunction(.result, "function^MyRoutine", "")

For the future

Further functions (and access to other OS libraries) will be added to mg_pwind as required.


Copyright (c) 2018-2023 MGateway Ltd, Surrey UK.
All rights reserved.

Email: cmunt@mgateway.com

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Release Notes

v1.0.1 (5 March 2021)

  • Initial Release

v1.2.2 (23 March 2021)

  • Introduce experimental network I/O layer.

v1.3.3 (15 February 2022)

  • Introduce experimental access to InterSystems databases.

v1.3.4 (18 February 2022)

  • Introduce experimental access to InterSystems classes.

v1.3.5 (1 March 2022)

  • Introduce access to the InterSystems Global Lock command.
  • Introduce access to InterSystems Transactions.
  • Introduce a function to gracefully close InterSystems Object References.
    • set status=$&pwind.dbclosinstance(oref)

v1.3.6 (17 March 2022)

  • Introduce support for long strings through the mg_pwind interface.
    • Maximum string length for YottaDB: 1,048,576 Bytes.
    • Maximum string length for InterSystems databases: 3,641,144 Bytes (32,767 Bytes for older systems).
  • Introduce a simple wait/signal mechanism to aid communication between YottaDB processes.

v1.3.7 (8 April 2022)

  • Introduce a scheme for dealing with large strings from InterSystems IRIS and Cache.
    • The maximum string length for InterSystems DB Servers is usually 3,641,144 Bytes whereas for YottaDB it is currently 1,048,576 Bytes. This enhancement will allow mg_pwind functions to retrieve (and set) strings up to the maximum size permitted by InterSystems.

v1.3.7a (23 June 2023)

  • Documentation update.