Frontend Challenge

Goal of the frontend challenge is to show your potential in a variety of frontend topics.

The challenge is broken into 2 Parts: Algorithms and a little React Native Todo App.

Part I - Algorithm Challenge - Timebox ~ 2 Hours

You will find an initialized typescript project in the algorithm-challenge folder.

Run yarn install or

Inside are 3 different problems that you need to write a solution for.

💡 Keep in mind that this is a typescript project and all solutions should include sensible typing

They have already been some tests written for the functions. They should, in order to be successfull in Part I, all be 🟢 when you run npm start

Algorithm I - Filter falsy values

  • Given an array of values filter all falsy values

Algorithm II - Replace vowels and special characters with ASCII values

  • Given a String replace all vowels and special character with their respective ASCII value

Algorithm III - Check for palindrom

  • Given a String return true if its a palindrom

    💡 A palindrom is a word that is the same spelled forward and backwards.

    Example: dad, deed, peep

Part II - A little Mobile Chat application ~ 3 Days

The goal of the this part of the challenge is to demonstrate skills in building React Native applications.

Build the UI to serve the following purpose:

  • I can see a list of chats I have open
  • I can enter a specific chat
  • I can write a message and its shown in the chat after sent (only visually, no API integration needs to happen)
  • (extra) I can return to chat list without losing the messages I sent in a specific chat

Use the data.json file to to populate the UI and show details

  • Focus on reusability of components and code.
  • Don't overthink the perfection of UI
  • (optional) write component tests if you have the time to ensure code coverage