
Perl tool for archiving Etherpad links to the IndieWeb wiki.

Primary LanguagePerlMIT No AttributionMIT-0

IndieWeb Etherpad Archiver (Cali)

A tool that accepts an IndieWeb Events page and archives the associated Etherpad page to the IndieWeb wiki.

IRC Usage

This tool provides an interface over IRC through which an Etherpad page linked to an IndieWeb events page can be archived.

To archive a document using the bot, you can use the following command in the IRC channel to which the archiver is connected:

!archive <events_page_url> <example/page> - Archive an events.indieweb.org page, save to example/page
!archive <etherpad_url> <example/page> - Archive an etherpad.indieweb.org page, save to example/page
!archive help - Show help

Getting Started

To use this project, first install the required dependencies:

- Mojo::DOM
- Bot::BasicBot
- LWP::UserAgent

Next, register a bot account on the MediaWiki to which you want to save archives. This will give you the credentials you need for the next step. Take note of the bot username and password MediaWiki provides.

Once you have your bot account credentials, create a .env file and add the following values:


All of these values are required.

Next, run the archiver script:

chmod +x archiver.pl

The archiver script will connect to the provided IRC channel and expose the !archive command for use in the chat.


This project was built using Perl.


This project is licensed under an MIT 0 license.


Have an idea on how to improve the archiver? Feel free to open an issue or pull request in this repository.


  • capjamesg